Object Types Reference > Siebel Object Types >

List Column Locale

Siebel Object Types > Applet > List > List Column > List Column Locale

Represents language-specific overrides used with the List Column object type.

Valid Values/Examples

Available (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = The list column can be associated with a list applet.

Display Name (O)

Either the value to use as the list column heading or the key to the international message table.


HTML Height (O)

Height of list column in pixels in the HTML thin client.


HTML Max Chars Displayed (O)

The maximum number of characters to be displayed in a list column.


HTML Sequence (O)

The (order) position of this list column relative to other list columns in the applet in the HTML thin client. Indicates tab sequence.


HTML Width (O)

The width of the list column in pixels in the HTML thin client (maximum is 2048).


Name (R)

The abbreviation of the language being used by the application.

Example: ENU.

Prompt Text (O)

Not used.

Not applicable.

Sequence (O)(H)

The position of this list column in the list.

Integer value.

Show In List (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = The list column is shown in a list.

Text Alignment (O)

The text alignment of the list column.

Valid values are Left, Center, and Right.

Text-Alignment Label (O)

Provides the ability to change the Text-Alignment Label property when a particular language or locale is active. This is linked directly to the Text Alignment Label Language Override property for a list column.


Width (O)(H)

The list column width.


See Also

Hidden Object Types and Properties
List Column

Object Types Reference