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Drilldown Object

Siebel Object Types > Applet > Drilldown Object

Provides the user with the ability to drill down from a cell in a list view to a view that is specific to the cell the user clicks in. Drilldown fields in a list view are identified by colored, underlined text, much like a hypertext link in a Web browser.

The drilldown options available in the pop-up menu are in the format Goto xx where xx is the title of a list column.

Drilldown objects can also be used with form applets. In that case, the drilldown options are only available from the pop-up menu.

Valid Values/Examples

Business Component (O)

The business component that the user is drilling into (destination).

If this property is left blank, then the destination business component is the same as the source business component (although the view typically changes).

In a drilldown object, if the destination view should show the same active business components in the same context, and if you do not want to change the current query context, then do not specify a business component and do not specify the Source and Destination fields.


Destination Field (O)

The field in the destination business component whose value equals the value of the source field in the source business component. If you do not specify a business component then do not specify the Destination field.

If no value is specified, then it defaults to Id, which is the row ID of the destination business component.


Hyperlink Field (O)

The field in the business component for the applet on which the drilldown occurs. This also determines which list column in the list applet is blue and underlined.

If multiple drilldown objects for the applet are defined, a given field in the business component should be mentioned only once for all available drilldown objects. For a dynamic drilldown, the drilldown object that contains the dynamic drilldown destinations should have the Hyperlink Field property set.

Not required, but you should always enter a value—otherwise, no hyperlink appears for the user to drill down on.

Menu Text (O)

Not used.

Not applicable.

Name (R)

The name of the drilldown object. Must be unique within the scope of the applet.


Sequence (O)

An integer value that determines the order of the items in the right-click shortcut menu. Also, the first item is the one that is used if the user double-clicks the row to drill down rather than single-clicking underlined text.


Source Field (O)

The field in the applet's business component (the source of the drilldown) whose value is applied as a search specification to the destination field in the destination business component (the business component that is specified by the Business Component property). Because the user is navigating from one view to another, there is a new active business component. The Source Field, Business Component, and Destination Field properties provide the linkage from a record in the source business component to an appropriate record or set of records in the destination business component.

If you do not specify a business component then do not specify the Source field.

If this property is left blank, then the behavior is to drill down to the same row in the destination business component. In other words, the application applies a bookmark of the current business component to the destination.

View (O)

The view that appears when the user drills down.

If the View property is left blank, you must specify a value in the Business Component property.

If this property is left blank, the current view is maintained. This is used when drilling down from accounts into subaccounts, for example.

Visibility Type (O)

A property that, when row ID-based drilldown is employed from an applet to a specific destination record, specifies a different visibility type (All, Sales Rep, Manager, or Personal) than the default visibility for the destination business component.

Generally a value of All is used if this feature is employed. This ensures that the destination record can be displayed.

See Also


Object Types Reference