Siebel Order Management Guide > Business Service Methods Reference > Product Manipulation Toolkit Business Service Methods >

Refresh Business Component Method

This is one of the Product Manipulation Toolkit Business Service Methods.

It reexecutes all instance of the specific buscomp to get data from the database.


Business Object Name

[in] Name of business the buscomp belongs to.

Business Component Name

[in] Name of the buscomp you want to refresh with data from database.

Refresh Result

[out] Either 'Fail', 'NoRefresh', or 'Succeed'. 'Fail' means the method could not refresh because of insufficient input argument. 'NoRefresh' means the method did not find any instance of the specified buscomp. 'Succeed' means it refreshed at lease one instance of the specified buscomp. (Optional)

See Also

Workflows SIS OM Ungroup Quote, SIS OM Ungroup Order, SIS OM Quote To Order PMT Version.

Siebel Order Management Guide