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Trim Method

This is one of the Product Manipulation Toolkit Business Service Methods.

It eliminates line items from a delta quote or delta order based on a soft coded rule or Keep Specification. This method is used, in the Order to Asset workflow, to identify changes in an order item that are ready to apply to the service profile stored in Assets.

For a line item to be kept in the product instance hierarchy, KeepSpec must be TRUE for that line item. All children of the line item will also be removed if the parent is removed.



[in] A Boolean expression based on fields in the current line item. If the line item is to be retained, KeepSpec must return True. (Required)

Object Id

[in] Row Id of the root line item that is used to load the hierarchy if a SiebelMessage is not passed in. (Optional)

Input Object Type

[in] Type of object to which Object Id relates. Must be specified is Object Id is specified. (Optional)


[in] Hierarchy to be used if an Object Id is not supplied. (Optional)


[out] Resulting product instance.

Is Trim Result Empty

[out] Y or N value. Y if all line items are removed in the result. Otherwise, N.


Removes selected line items from the product instance.


If the KeepSpec input is TRUE for a line item, it is kept in the product instance hierarchy. If not, it is eliminated. All children of the line item are removed if the parent is removed.

When Trim is called, the method starts at the top-most item in the product hierarchy and works recursively down through its children. If the KeepSpec evaluates to TRUE for a line item, it is kept in the product instance hierarchy. If not, it and all of its children are eliminated. For example, the KeepSpec for the Order to Asset workflow is:

(([Status] = LookupValue('FS_ORDER_STATUS', 'Complete')) OR ([Action Code] = LookupValue('DELTA_ACTION_CODE', 'Existing'))) AND ([Convert To Asset Flag] = 'Y')


Trimming Pending and Failed Items

The following example shows how this method is used to eliminate pending and failed items.

  1. A new installation is partially complete.
  2. Trim eliminates all Pending and Failed items. It also eliminates the 200 Minutes Free product because that product has Track As Asset = N.

Trimming Orphaned Items

If an item fails to meet the KeepSpec criteria, this method removes all of its children. The following example shows this situation.

  1. A user starts a new installation in which a parent item is Pending and a child item is Complete.
  2. Trim eliminates all Pending or Failed items and their children, Complete or not.
See Also

Methods Delta Method and Apply Method and workflows SIS OM Apply Completed Service Order Line Item to Service Profile, SIS OM Edit Delta Quote Line Item, SIS OM Edit Service Order Line Item, SIS OM Edit Complex Asset Workflow, SIS OM Disconnect Asset Sub-process, SIS OM Suspend / Resume Asset Sub-process.

Siebel Order Management Guide