Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Industry Applications > Business Service Methods Reference > Compound Product Validation Engine Service Methods >

Find Future Date Method

This is one of the Compound Product Validation Engine Service Methods.

It gets the value of the field specified by FutureDateFieldName for the business component instance identified by BusinessComponentName and RowId.



[in] Name of the business component from which to get the future date. (Required)


[in] Row Id of the business component instance for which to get the future date. (Required)


[in] Name of the field in the business component that stores the date. (Required)


[out] Value of the future date. (Required)


The value of the date field to use to validate the network at a date in the future.

See Also

Workflows VORD Validate (Quote), VORD Validate (Order).

Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Industry Applications Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.