Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Industry Applications > Business Service Methods Reference > VORD Projected Asset Cache Service Methods >

Query Method

This is one of the VORD Projected Asset Cache Service Methods.

It filters the list of components in the Projected Asset Cache to those that match the Search Expression. It then counts the number of components, sums the values of Aggregate Field, or calculates the minimum, maximum or average for each unique combination of group by fields, and sorts the result by the Sort Field. This method is analogous to a SQL SELECT statement of the form:

SELECT * | COUNT(*) | SUM([Aggregate Field]) | MAX([Aggregate Field]) | MIN([Aggregate Field]) | AVG([Aggregate Field]), [Calculated Field] WHERE [Search Expression] GROUP BY [Group By Field] HAVING [Having Expression] SORT BY [Sort By Field]".

The search expression supports a list of AND clauses and OR clauses with the following operators: =, <>, !=, <, >, >=, <=.


Asset Cache Key

[in] Unique key with which to query the cache. The unique key is returned by the Initialize method. (Required)

Search Expression

[in] Expression that must be satisfied to generate an error. (Optional)

Aggregate Function

[in] The type of query executed against the projected asset cache. Valid values are "Sum", "Count", "Max", "Min", "Avg" or "".

Aggregate Field

[in] The asset field considered by an aggregate query. (Optional)

Calculated Field

[in] Unique key with which to query the cache. The unique key is returned by the Initialize method. (Optional)

Group By Field

[in] Comma separated list of fields used to group an aggregate function. (Optional)

Having Expression

[in] Expression referencing an aggregate result that must be satisfied to generate an error. (Optional)

Sort By Field

[in] Comma separated list of fields by which to sort the result set. (Optional)


[out] Property set of projected asset cache entries that satisfy the search expression.

See Also

Methods Initialize Method and Validate Method.

Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Industry Applications Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.