Siebel Portal Framework Guide > Integrating External Content > Understanding Portal Agents >


Use this disposition type when aspects of the external application do not allow content to be aggregated with other Siebel content. See Portal Agent Restrictions for more information about when this may occur.

The IFrame disposition type uses the <iframe> tag to create an Internal Frame as part of the page generated by the Siebel Server. It allows the Portal Agent to retrieve content to populate the Internal Frame. This content does not pass through the Siebel Server, but is directly requested by the client and sent by the application server to the user's browser. Although this disposition type is not as preferable as the Inline disposition type, in most cases, it is the method that works.

The IFrame disposition type supports JavaScript and Frames. Therefore, if the Inline disposition type does not work, the IFrame option is the best option. The IFrame disposition type also supports the Session Keep Alive feature. However, it does not support Session Management.

The IFrame disposition type will work in many cases. However, it does not work when frames displayed within the <iframe> tag refer to top-level JavaScript objects. If frames in the page you are trying to integrate refer to top-level JavaScript objects, then try the Web Control disposition type.

NOTE:  The IFrame disposition type is supported on Internet Explorer 5.5 and above.

Siebel Portal Framework Guide