Siebel Portal Framework Guide > Web Engine HTTP TXN Business Service >


A customer has a portal Web application that automatically links the user to Siebel Call Center with Siebel Web Single Sign On. The customer also wants to pass a custom header to the Siebel application during the single-sign-on process. The custom headers provide credentials to log into another application that is embedded in the Siebel application. Additionally, the portal Web application uses cookies to store a user profile that needs to be synchronized with the Siebel profile.

This example explains how to pass custom cookies, headers, and query string parameters to Siebel applications during login.

An external Web application such as ASP or JSP sets the header, cookie, or query string parameter and either sends the request to the Siebel application or redirects the browser to the Siebel application.

The following sample ASP code will log in a Siebel User and call the HTTP TXN Business Service to retrieve HTTP variables:

<% @language=VBScript %>

<% Response.buffer =true

'Set my URL parameter

'The following URL will log a Siebel User into Siebel and call the HTTP TxN Business Service to retrieve HTTP variables.

strURL = "http://bng/callcenter/start.swe?SWECmd=ExecuteLogin&SWEUserName=SADMIN&SWEPassword=SADMIN&myParm=Vanilla"

Set Http = Server.CreateObject ("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5")

Http.Open "GET", strURL, False

'Set my Cookie

Http.SetRequestHeader "Cookie", "myCookie=Chocolate"

'Set my Header

Http.SetRequestHeader "myHeader", "Strawberry"


Response.Write ("Request Sent... Check your Siebel Business Service output")

Set Http = Nothing


When the Siebel Web Engine receives the ExecuteLogin request, it triggers a user-defined runtime event to call a Business Service. Refer to Personalization Administration Guide for information on creating a runtime event and associating an action to the event. In this example, the action will call the HTTP TXN Business Service and invoke the getHTTPVars method.

The HTTP TXN Business Service is actually a wrapper function that calls the Web Engine HTTP TXN BS to retrieve HTTP and Server variables. The sample code below shows how to retrieve cookies, headers, and query string parameters and print them out to a text file. In an actual implementation, you may want to save the HTTP variables as profile attributes and use them in other scripts in the application.

Siebel Portal Framework Guide