Product Administration Guide > Customizable Product UI Properties >

About UI Properties

A UI property is a named variable and its value. UI properties modify the display of an item in a customizable product. You define a UI property by selecting the desired item in a customizable product and then defining one or more UI properties for it.

There are two types of UI properties: predefined and user-defined. Predefined UI properties, such as Hide, are Siebel-provided UI properties that perform special functions. User-defined UI properties are those that you define and then insert into a Web template to control the display characteristics of an item.

The User Interface Property Designer displays all the items in the customizable product:

  • Customizable Product Name. Define a UI property for the product name to change the product name header on every selection page.
  • Attribute. The Attribute section displays the attributes that the customizable product as a whole inherits from the class to which it belongs. For LOV type attributes, each menu choice is listed. For range of values attributes, the default value is listed.
  • Relationship. This sections displays both the relationship name and the contents of each relationship in the customizable product.
  • Group. The Group section lists the group names you defined in the Product UI Designer.
  • Linked Item and Resource. These sections display the linked items and resources you have defined for the customizable product.

To use the User Interface Property Designer, you select an item in the customizable product and then define a UI property for the item in Item Display Properties. Each record in Display Properties has two fields. The first contains the name of the UI Property variable. The second field contains the value you want to assign to the variable. This value is what displays in the configuration session.

Observe the following guidelines when defining UI properties:

  • The relationship between an item and a UI variable name is one-to-one. You cannot define multiple UI properties for an item, each with the same variable name.
  • An item can have multiple UI property definitions, each for a different UI variable. An example of this would be an item that appears in multiple locations within a customizable product.
Product Administration Guide