Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Administering Siebel Remote > Handling Failure and Recovery >

Database Server Failure

If your RDBMS fails, the database administrator must diagnose and rectify the problem. When the system returns to an operational state, use the Siebel Server Manager to restart the Siebel Remote components. Siebel Remote components automatically recovers their process state from the last committed transaction. A reextraction of the Mobile Web Clients may be necessary.

If the database is recovered up to the point of failure, no action is required because there is no loss of data. However, if the database is recovered up to a point of time prior to the point of failure, then you must reextract and reinitialize all Mobile Web Clients. In this case, follow the steps below after restoring the database backup:

  1. Disable the Synchronization Manager component.
  2. Stop the Transaction Router, Transaction Merger and Transaction Processor tasks if they are running.
  3. Reextract all Mobile Web Clients.
  4. Start the Transaction Processor task with the TS DB Recreate parameter set to TRUE.
  5. Start the Transaction Router and Transaction Merger tasks.
  6. Enable the Synchronization Manager component.

After you complete the steps above, the next action depends on when the last backup was completed, when the failure occurred, and when the user synchronized.

  • If the user synchronized at a time between the time the backup was completed and the time the failure occurred, you must:
    1. Rename the locale database <SiebelClientRoot>\local\sse_data.dbf and dicdata.dat.
    2. Reinitialize the Mobile Web Client.

      Any changes in the Mobile Web Client database that were not sent to the server will be lost.

  • If the user synchronized before the backup was completed, Mobile Web Clients can download a new database.

    If the database extract was executed with the Save Client Transaction parameter set to TRUE, none of the Mobile Web Client changes will be lost.

Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide