Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Implementing Siebel Remote Server > Setting Siebel Remote System Preferences >

MRG:Inter Table Merge Rule

If the system preference MRG:Inter Table Conflict Res has a value of Merge, then the system preference MRG:Inter Table Merge Rule determines which field values survive when two records are merged to resolve an insert conflict on an intersection table. Available values for this preference are as follows:

  • First In. (Default value) If MRG:Inter Table Merge Rule value is First In, the following applies to fields in parent records, child records, and associated extension records:
    • New non-NULL values always replace existing NULL values.
    • Existing non-NULL values always are preserved.
  • Last In. If MRG:Inter Table Merge Rule value is Last In, the following applies to fields in parent records, child records, and associated extension records:
    • New non-NULL values always replace existing NULL values.
    • New non-NULL values replace existing non-NULL values.
    • Existing non-NULL values are preserved if the corresponding new value is NULL.

If the System Preference called MRG:Inter Table Conflict Res has a value other than Merge, then the System Preference called MRG:Inter Table Merge Rule is ignored.

CAUTION:  This system preference should be set before any Mobile Web Clients are extracted. If the preference is changed after extraction, Mobile Web Clients should be re-extracted, otherwise server data and client data may diverge.

For more information about resolving insert conflicts, see MRG:Inter Table Conflict Res.

Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide