Siebel Reports Administration Guide > Understanding Your Reports Development Environment > About the Development Environment >

About the Directory Structure for Siebel Reports

Actuate files in the Siebel environment reside in the following subdirectories of the Siebel development directories:

  • Executables Directory. \Siebdev\REPORTS. Report executables (ROX files) must appear in this directory to run. In the typical installation, this is C:\Program Files\siebel\7.7\Tools\REPORTS. If multiple languages are supported, a separate subdirectory of \REPORTS is provided for each and is identified by its language code, such as \Siebdev\REPORTS\DEU or \Siebdev\REPORTS\FRA.
  • Development Directory. \Siebdev\RPTSRC. \RPTSRC is the development directory; it holds ROD and ROL files. In the typical installation, this is C:\Program Files\siebel\7.7\Tools\RPTSRC. It is divided into subdirectories by language. New reports that you create should be placed here, in the \language_code subdirectory. Each language subdirectory is further divided into \STANDARD and \LIB, such as \Siebdev\RPTSRC\ENU\STANDARD and \Siebdev\RPTSRC\ENU\LIB.
  • Standard Reports Directory. \Siebdev\RPTSRC\STANDARD. An example is C:\Program Files\siebel\7.7\Tools\RPTSRC\STANDARD. This subdirectory is where the design files for the standard reports are located. Do not place customer reports in this directory, create a subdirectory called \custom or something similar.
  • Libraries Directory. \Siebdev\RPTSRC\LIB. An example is C:\Program Files\siebel\7.7\Tools\RPTSRC\LIB. The datastream (source data definition) files are located here. These are generated from within Siebel Tools. This folder also contains the library files that are used by all Siebel reports, such as sssiebel.rol, sscustom.rol, and so on. As with Standard reports, do not place custom reports in this directory, create a subdirectory called \custom or something similar

You develop the ROD file in the standard reports directory or the development directory, depending on whether you are modifying a standard report or creating a new report. You compile the finished design in Actuate e.Report Designer Professional and move the resulting ROX file to the executables directory. Initially, you would deploy the ROX file on your own computer for testing. When it is ready to be deployed, the ROX files goes to the appropriate folder on the iServer report encyclopedia volume.

Siebel Reports Administration Guide