Siebel Search Administration Guide > Administration of Siebel Search > Working with Indices >

Automating the Process of Refreshing Indices

This section details the process for automating the index refresh process.

CAUTION:  If your Search Server is on a UNIX machine, you cannot completely automate the Refresh and Refresh All tasks. With the steps outlined below, you can automate the creation of the refresh and refresh all scripts on the Unix machine. However, you will still need to manually run the execsql command on the Unix machine in order to actually regenerate the indices. For more information on this command, please refer to the Refreshing Indices Under UNIX.

To create a workflow process to Refresh or Refresh All

  1. Navigate to Business Process Administration > Workflow Processes.
  2. Create a new Workflow Process based on the Search Administration Business Object.
  3. Navigate to the Process Designer for the new process you created.
    1. Within the Designer, create a workflow that includes a Business Service object. After you have added a Business Service graphic to the designer, double-click on the graphic to drill into the Business Service instance.

      To configure the Business Service, you will need to do the following:

    2. Enter Search Admin Service in the Business Service field.
    3. Enter Refresh Index or Refresh All in the Method field.

      If you selected Refresh Index, you will need to add two arguments in the Input Arguments applet in this view.

    4. Index Setting. This is the name of the Index Setting you wish to use for the Refresh. For this argument the Type should be Literal and the Value should be the name of your setting.
    5. Index Name. This is the name of the index you wish to refresh. For this argument, the Type should be Literal and the Value should be the name of the index, such as Solution.

      If you selected Refresh All, you will need to add one argument in the Input Arguments applet in this view.

  4. Return to the All Processes tab within the Workflow Processes view. Click on the Activate button.

Testing Your Workflow Process

You can test your workflow by clicking on the Process Simulator view tab and running though the Workflow Process you created. As you test the Process Designer from, for example, the Call Center Object Manager, you will have the OM Search - Definition Name parameter already filed by a valid value. In this case the value will be the Call Center definition.

However, when you make a Component Request with the above Workflow Process, the invocation will need the Search - Definition Name parameter from the Workflow Process Manager parameters. As this value is not set by the installer by default (there is more than one possible value), you will get an error similar to the following: OMS-00107: Object manager error: ([0] The Search Definition name has not been specified.

Verifying the Index and Refresh Process

You can verify that the index was refreshed by checking the Index Status column in the Search Indices view for a given index, or by checking the new .log file in the Siebel/search/ServerDataSrc/index directory. For more information about the success of the indexing process, you can check the .dil file in the Siebel/search/ServerDataSrc/scripts directory.

Siebel Search Administration Guide