Siebel Search Administration Guide > Administration of Siebel Search > Working with Indices >

Uploading Index Files to the Server Database and File System

A mobile web client user does not need to build indices in order to perform searches on a mobile client machine. To allow a mobile client user to perform searches, you need to upload the index files to the server database and file system. The user can then download the previously built indices from the Siebel Server to the mobile client machine using Siebel Remote technology.

When you create or refresh indices using the Index or the Refresh button in the Search Indices view, the index files are created in the siebel/search/ServerDataSrc/index directory. To support search in the mobile web client, you need to upload the index files to the server database and file system.

Prior to Siebel 7, the Index and the Refresh operations automatically uploaded the index files to the server database and file system. To enhance performance, the Upload Index operation has been made a separate operation from the Index/Refresh operation.

To upload index files to the server database and file system

  1. Navigate to Search Administration > Search Indices.
  2. In the Search Index view, select the index you want to upload, then click the Upload Index button.

    NOTE:  Executing this command will upload the index files (5 or 6 per category) to the server database and the Siebel file system. You need to make sure the file system is valid and is working. If you use a custom stop file, this stop file will also be uploaded.

Siebel Search Administration Guide