Siebel Search Administration Guide > Administration of Siebel Search >

Working with Indices Under UNIX

After executing the Index command from the Search Index menu for a chosen index, the index files are not yet generated. One DID file and one FTE file are created in /export/home/Siebel/search/ServerDataSrc/scripts. You need to use Hummingbird's execsql utility to create an index. Hummingbird uses DataDirect ODBC drivers to connect to the Siebel database during the indexing process.

For DataDirect installation and configuration instructions, see DataDirect ODBC Driver Installation and Configuration.

The procedures for indexing under UNIX are described below.

To create FTE and DID scripts for search categories

  1. Log into the Siebel application.

NOTE:  If you are connected to a DB2 database, you need to log in using the username (siebel) and password (db2). This is required in order for indexing or refreshing to work correctly. During the process of indexing and refreshing, the DataDirect DB2 datasource will be used. You must log into the Siebel application using (siebel and db2) because this is the username and password that the DataDirect driver uses to connect to the DB2 database. For information on setting up an DataDirect datasource, see Creating a DataDirect ODBC Datasource Under UNIX.

  1. Navigate to Search Administration > Index Settings.
  2. In the Index Settings applet, select the setting you want to use for UNIX.

    You may copy the default setting and rename as: Default Setting for UNIX.

  3. On the Index Setting Properties applet, verify that the following index settings are available:
    • STOPFILE = /export/home/fulcrum/fultext/fultext.stp

      NOTE:  If you are using a Unicode database, this setting is ignored, so its value is irrelevant.

  4. Pick the correct Translation Table for your language.
  5. Go to Search Indices View, and click the Index button to index the Search Categories you have chosen.

    For example, if you want to index the Solution category, select Solution row, and click the index command. Although you do not see any change to the UI, two scripts files (FUL_SOLN.DID, FUL_SOLN.FTE) have actually been created in your $SIEBEL_ROOT/search/ServerDataSrc/scripts directory.

    NOTE:  In order to use Siebel Search, you will need to edit the library path variable in the Siebel script used for setting environment variables (siebenv.csh or so that the library variable includes the Hummingbird library path. For example, you would edit the library path in the script as follows: "setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /export/home/fulcrum/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" (for Solaris) or "setenv LIBPATH /export/home/fulcrum/lib:$LIBPATH" (for AIX). If you do not add this to the library path and source the new Siebel script before you start the siebel servers, you may not be able to access the Search Indices View or any valid Search Categories in Search Center.

To execute index scripts to create search indices

  1. Open a UNIX shell and log in as a Siebel administrator or installation user and navigate to the Hummingbird installation directory.
  2. Source setfuladmin.csh

    For information on creating this script file, see Search Server Environment Variable Settings.

  3. Go to $SIEBEL_ROOT/search/ServerDataSrc/scripts.

    You will see the two scripts created (.DID and .FTE) for your search category.

  4. Run "execsql -0FUL_SOLN.FTE" to create an index for the Solution category (or run another FTE file to create other indices).

    It may take a while until you see the prompt return, depending on how many records you have in your database tables.

    There will be seven files created for the search category you created under
    SIEBEL_ROOT/search/ServerDataSrc/index directory. You can verify that the index was created by running execsql. You will not see any prompt appear when you type "execsql" and press <ENTER>, but you can then run select count(*) from ful_soln;

    After you press Enter, you should see the number of records being created:

    slass420r2{slqusr7s}/> execsql

    select count(*) from ful_soln;

    CursorName = SQL_CUR00001

    RowCount = 1

    NumResultCols = 1: COUNT(*)



    If you do not see the expected number of records, there may have been some problems during the index creation. You can open the ful_soln.log file in the index subdirectory (or other log files for other categories) and check the error. There is also a file with .dil file extension name created in the scripts subdirectory. It will give you some useful information. You should make sure your database server information is valid.

    If you encounter problems, and need to generate the indices again, you must manually remove the seven files that are created in the previous failure in the index subdirectory:

    1. Run "cd /export/home/siebel/search/ServerDataSrc/index
    2. Run "rm ful_soln.*"
  5. If your index is created successfully, you can then go to the Siebel Call Center, Search Administration Screen. You should see the number of records for your Search category: in this case 293 records for FUL_SOLN.

CAUTION:  In order to work correctly, Hummingbird requires you to create environment variables. See Siebel Search Environmental Variables for further information. Unlike the Windows platform, in which Siebel code will set up for you automatically, you need to set it manually in UNIX. The following steps will show you how to prepare a script file that sets these environment variables.

Siebel Search Administration Guide