Siebel Search Administration Guide > Administration of Siebel Search > Advanced Search Execution Settings >

Exact Match Setting

If this flag is set, then the word stemming function is turned off for all searches. word stemming is turned on by using the Term Generator property. Valid values are TRUE and FALSE.

If the flag is set to TRUE, then the word stemming function is turned off for all searches. Word stems are created at index time for each index and is optimized for a language. Word stemming is automatically turned on if stems are available for the index currently being searched.


Property: Exact Match

Value: TRUE

To administer exact match setting

  1. Navigate to Search Administration > Advanced Settings.
  2. From the Setting Properties menu, select New Record.

    A new row appears in the Setting Properties list.

  3. Click in the Name column of the new row, and from the drop-down list, select Exact Match.
  4. Click in the Value column of the new row, and from the drop-down list, select TRUE to disable word stemming for searches, or FALSE to enable word stemming for searches, and then step off the record to save it.
Siebel Search Administration Guide