Siebel Search Administration Guide > Syntax For Filter Search Specifications > Filter Search Spec Syntax >

Filter Search Specification Syntax in Backus-Naur Format

Filter searching can be performed through the user interface controls (exposed through special filter applet), or specified in the filter search Specification property of the Search Definition category. The syntax is slightly different when done through the user interface, but in all cases the syntax is simple BNF (Backus-Naur Format).


Search Statement

  • : condition
  • : expression


  • : comparison
  • : condition [AND | OR] condition


  • : expression [= | < | > | <= | >= | [NOT] LIKE] expression


  • : constant
  • : identifier
  • : function


  • : string (double quoted)
  • : date (double quoted)"MM/DD/YY" (separator must be a forward slash/)


  • : [filter field name]

NOTE:  Searches on filter fields from the UI do not support the logical operators AND or OR.

Siebel Search Administration Guide