Siebel Search Administration Guide > Siebel Search Configuration Using Siebel Tools > The Search Index >

Indexing File Attachments

To index file attachments, the buscomp should be a file buscomp. For example, the C++ file the attachment is based on should be CSSBCFile or a derivation of that.

NOTE:  Files in the Siebel file system will be accessed and indexed as part of the standard indexing operation. There is no need to uncompress these files as a separate process.

Rules and Assumptions

All file based buscomps have the format, <three letter identifier>FileName and <three letter identifier>FileRev. For example, in the case of the literature buscomp, the file names are LitFileName and LitFileRev. In Resolution Documents, the names are ResFileName and ResFileRev.

NOTE:  It is essential to map these two fields to index file attachments.

To index Literature file attachments, follow this format:

  • LitFileName needs to be mapped to the External Text result field. The attribute Field Type has to be set to Attachment.
  • LitFileRev needs to be mapped to Revision Number result field. The attribute Field Type has to be set to Rev Num. Map this field to make sure that file revisions are included the next time you refresh the index.
  • Other fields that need to be indexed cannot be mapped to the External Text result field. You can map these fields to the Summary field.
Siebel Search Administration Guide