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Business Component View Mode Fields

The following fields in the BusComp View Modes list in Siebel Tools determine allowable visibility for a business component.

  • Owner Type. This field specifies the party type, with one exception (described in the following list), that is used to determine whether a user is associated with a record. The allowable owner types are:
    • Person. Access control can be based on the user's Person record.
    • Position. Access control can be based on the position of the user.
    • Organization. Access control can be based on the organization of the user, as determined by the organization to which the user's current position belongs.
    • Group. Access control can be based on membership in access groups that have access to particular catalogs and categories.
    • Catalog Category. Catalog Category is not a party type. Access can be restricted to all of the data in all of the categories across catalogs to which the user has access. This data includes data in public categories and data in private categories to which the user's access groups have access. The user sees a flat (uncategorized) list of data.

      For example, the Account business component's Sales Rep view mode determines the association of the user to the record by the user's position. The Service Request business component's Personal view mode determines the association of the user to the record by the user's Person record.

  • Private Field. This flag determines whether the record is private or public. If it is not private, then the record is shown, independent of its view mode. If it is set as private, then access control is applied as specified by the business component's Visibility Field or VisibilityMV Field. This is applicable to all view modes.
  • Visibility Field. A value in either Visibility Field or Visibility MVField is required. The value in this field is compared with the corresponding value for the user, as specified in Owner Type, to determine whether the user is associated with a record. If they are associated, the user gets access to the record.

    A value in this field indicates that there is only one party associated with this business component when using this view mode.

    For example, the Service Request business component's Personal view mode determines whether the user is associated with the record by comparing the user's Login ID with the value in the Contact Id field.

    When this view mode is used, only one user qualifies as being associated with this record. Typically, this user would be the creator of the service request.

  • Visibility MVField (or multivalue field). This field has the same purpose as Visibility Field, except a value in this field indicates that there can be more than one party associated with this business component when using this view mode.

    For example, the Account business component's Sales Rep view mode determines whether the user is associated with the record by comparing the user's position with the value in the Sales Rep field.

    When this view mode is used, more than one position can be associated with a record. In some applets, the Sales Rep field has a display name like "Account Team," indicating that more than one position is associated with the record.

  • Visibility MVLink (or multivalue link). An entry in this field is required if there is a value in Visibility MVField.

    This field specifies which of the business component's multivalue links should be used to determine the value in the MVField for this record.

    Links establish a parent/child relationship between business components, often by specifying an intersection table (in the case of a many-to-many relationship). This multivalue link's Destination Link property indicates which link ultimately defines this relationship.

    To see a business component's multi-value links and their properties in Siebel Tools, expand the Business Component object in the Object Explorer, and then click Multi Value Link. The Destination Link property is a field in each record.

    For example, the Account business component's Sales Rep view mode has Position as its MVLink. The Destination Link property for this multi-value link specifies that this relationship uses the Account/Position link. As seen in the Link object type listing in Siebel Tools, this link uses the S_ACCNT_POSTN intersection table to look up the positions associated with an account.

  • Name. The name typically suggests the view mode.

    For example, a view mode named Organization typically has an Owner type of Organization. However, the only requirement is that view mode records for a buscomp must have unique names. A business component cannot, for example, have two view modes named Personal.

    • Personal. This name is typically used when Owner type is Person.
    • Sales Rep. This name is typically used when Owner type is Position.
    • Organization. This name is typically used when Owner type is Organization.
    • Group. This name is typically used when Owner type is Group.
    • Catalog. This name is typically used when Owner type is Catalog.

      For example, the Account business component's Sales Rep view mode determines the association of the user to the record by the user's position.

      An example of an exception to the typical naming convention is the Service Request business component.

      Both the Personal and Sales Rep view modes have an Owner type of Person, one interpreting owner by Contact Id and the other by Owned By Id. Both view modes are needed because the creator and the customer care agent both need access to the data based on a person.

For information about working with business components, see Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications.

Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications