Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > Communications and Data Encryption >

Security Considerations for Unicode Support

Siebel eBusiness Applications support Unicode. For comprehensive Unicode compliance, consider the following encryption and authentication issues.

Using Non-ASCII Characters in a Unicode Environment

  • For database authentication, the user ID and password must use characters that are supported by the Siebel Database.
  • Login problems may occur if you log into a Unicode Siebel site, then use Web Single Sign-On to access a third-party Web page that does not support Unicode. Make sure all applications accessible from Web SSO are Unicode-compliant.

Logging Into a Siebel Application

  • If you use a form login mechanism for your Siebel eBusiness Applications, make sure that the characters used in the login form are supported by the Siebel Database.
  • If you use a URL login mechanism for your Siebel eBusiness Applications, the characters used in the login form must be in ASCII.

Encrypted Data

Siebel eBusiness Applications provide either AES and RC2 encryption to encrypt field data for sensitive information such as credit card numbers. For encryption with Unicode, you must use either AES or RC2 encryption, rather than the Standard Encryptor, which is no longer supported.

For more information, see Configuring Data Encryption.

Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications