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Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > Web Single Sign-On Authentication > About Web Single Sign-OnIn a Web SSO implementation, users are authenticated by a third party at the Web-site level. Siebel applications support this mode of authentication by providing an interface that allows the third party to pass user information to a Siebel application. Once authenticated by the third party, a user does not have to explicitly log into the Siebel application. Web SSO allows you to deploy Siebel applications into existing Web sites or portals. Web SSO architecture is appropriate for Web sites on which only approved registered users can gain access to sensitive data, such as a Web site on which you share data with your channel partners. NOTE: Web SSO authentication does not apply to the Siebel Mobile Web Client. Web SSO Authentication ProcessThe steps in the Web SSO authentication process shown are:
Web SSO LimitationsBecause Web SSO deployments assume that user authentication and user management are the responsibility of the third-party security infrastructure, the following capabilities are not available, as Siebel eBusiness Applications features, in a Web SSO environment:
Your Siebel applications may require configuration changes to hide such functionality. For more information, see Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications. NOTE: Because Siebel application users in a Web SSO environment cannot use logout features, such users must end the application session by closing the browser window. In Microsoft Internet Explorer, do this by choosing File > Close or by clicking X in the top-right corner of the window. The AOM terminates the task (thread) for the user's session when the session timeout has been reached. The Web SSO Implementation ConsiderationsFollowing are some implementation considerations for a Web SSO strategy:
For more information about integrating third-party authentication software with Siebel eBusiness Applications, see Siebel SupportWeb or contact the Siebel Alliance Group. |
Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications |