Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > Security Features of Siebel Web Server Extension >

Cookies and Siebel Applications

Siebel applications running in the Web browser can optionally use cookies for a variety of purposes. Some optional Siebel application functionality requires the ability to use cookies. More details are provided in the sections about each particular type of cookie.

Unless otherwise noted, all of the cookies described in this section apply to both high interactivity and standard interactivity applications. All cookies used by Siebel applications are encrypted using standard encryption algorithms provided by RSA.

For information about enabling cookies in the Microsoft Internet Explorer Web browser, see Enabling Cookies for Siebel Applications.

Siebel applications use the following kinds of cookies:

  • Session cookie. Manages user sessions for Siebel Web Client users. For details, see Session Cookie.
  • Auto-login credential cookie. Stores user credentials for Siebel Web Client users. For details, see Auto-Login Credential Cookie.
  • Siebel QuickStart cookie. Used by the Mobile Web Client when Siebel QuickStart is used. For details, see Siebel QuickStart Cookie.
Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications