Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > User Administration > Delegated Administration of Users >

Registering Contact Users—Delegated Administration

A delegated administrator who uses a Siebel customer application must belong to at least one account. The delegated administrator registers a user in the currently active account. The new user inherits membership in that account.

A delegated administrator must assign at least one responsibility to a new user. A delegated administrator only has responsibilities, including seed responsibilities, available for assigning to users that your host company associates with the organization with which the delegated administrator is associated. The delegated administrator is associated with the organization to which the proxy employee for the application belongs. A responsibility is associated with an organization by an administrator at your company using an employee application such as Siebel Call Center.

To register a new customer user (by a delegated administrator)

  1. Log into a Siebel customer application that implements delegated administration, such as Siebel eSales or Siebel eService.

    NOTE:  The delegated administrator must have user type Web Delegated Customer Admin.

  2. Click My Account, and then click User Administration under My Company.

    Lists of delegated accounts and associated users appears, as shown below. The lists may vary somewhat by application.

    Click for full size image
  3. In the Delegated Accounts list, select the account with which you want to associate the new user.

    The users in this account appear in the Users list.

  4. Create a new record.
  5. Complete the following fields, then save the record. Use the indicated guidelines.

    Last Name

    Required. Enter any name.

    First Name

    Required. Enter any name.

    User ID

    Required. Enter a simple contiguous user ID, which must be unique for each user. Typically, the user provides this user ID to log in.

    Depending on how you configure authentication, the user may or may not log in with this identifier.


    Optional (required for some authentication implementations).

    Enter a simple contiguous login password. The password must conform to the syntax requirements of your authentication system, but it is not checked for conformity in this form.

    For LDAP/ADSI security adapter authentication, the password is propagated to the user directory. For database authentication, the password is propagated to the database.

    For information about user authentication architectures, see Security Adapter Authentication.


    Pick one or more responsibilities, such as a seed responsibility provided for contact users. If the delegated administrator who creates this user has a value in the New Responsibility field, then that responsibility is assigned to this user by default. For information about the New Responsibility field, see New Responsibility Field for User Record.

    Home Phone #

    Work Phone #

    Work Fax #

    The application interprets digits only in these telephone number entries. Any separators are disregarded.

    The new record appears in the Users list.

Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications