Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools > Installing the Siebel Web Server Extension > Postinstallation Tasks for Siebel Web Server Extension >

Configuring Sun ONE Web Server to Accept Siebel Web Server Extension

If your Web server runs under the Solaris operating system, it is crucial that you configure the Sun ONE Web Server to accept the changes that the SWSE installer makes to the Sun ONE server configuration files after you install SWSE. Otherwise, changes that you may make in the future to the Sun ONE Web Server configuration will overwrite the changes made by the Siebel installation script.

To make sure that Sun ONE Web Server accepts changes made by SWSE

  1. Navigate to the Sun ONE Web Server Administration page. (For instructions, see the Sun ONE documentation.)
  2. Click the button that shows the server instance on which the SWSE was installed.

    The Server Preferences page for the instance appears.

  3. On the upper-right side of the Server Preferences page, click Apply.

    Another page with a warning message appears:

    WARNING: The configuration files have been edited by hand. Use this button to load the latest configuration files.

  4. Click Load Configuration Files.

    This displays the message:

    Success! The most recent config files have been loaded.

    This message indicates that the Sun ONE Web Server has accepted the changes made to it by the installer.

Sun ONE Web Server References to the eapps.cfg File

The Siebel installer adds a reference to the Sun ONE server configuration file magnus.conf, located within the Sun ONE configuration directory during installation. The magnus.conf file is used to specify the global settings of a Web server, such as Server Information, Object file config. DNS lookup, ACL and so on.

A typical line the installer would add to magnus.conf might resemble the following example:

Init fn="swe-init"config-file="/SWEAPP_ROOT/bin/eapps.cfg" siebel-home="/eappweb"

To locate magnus.comf

  • Navigate to the following path:


Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools