Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools > Guidelines for Configuring the RDBMS > Configuring IBM DB2 UDB for Siebel Applications >

Increasing the Number of DB2 UDB User Processes Under AIX

When you reach about 400 concurrent database users running under AIX, the connection to DB2 may fail. To avoid this problem, reset the maximum number of user processes parameter on your AIX server.

To reset the parameter

  1. Log on to the server as AIX system administrator.
  2. Navigate to $SIEBEL_HOME (Siebel Server root directory) and source environment variables, using one of the following commands, depending on the type of shell you use:

    Korn or Bourne shell

    . ./

    TIP:   Make sure there is a space between the initial period and ./

    C shell

    source siebenv.csh

  3. Execute the following command to review the options:

    smitty chgsys

  4. Select Maximum number of processes and reset the default (512) to a larger number; for example, 10,000, to avoid imposing an upper limit on the number of processes that a single user can spawn.
Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools