Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools > Guidelines for Configuring the RDBMS >

Creating DB2 UDB Database Objects

To help you automate database instance creation, Siebel Systems provides sample scripts (CrBlankDB2UDBSiebelDEMO.sql and CrBlankDB2UDBSiebelDEMOPostCrDB.sql), located in the $SIEBEL_ROOT/dbsrvr/DB2UDB directory. Use these scripts as a reference to create scripts based on your deployment's requirements to create database objects. Prior to using the scripts, make sure you read the CrBlankDB2UDBSiebelDEMOReadMe.txt.

Use a small, nonproduction environment for testing purposes.

After you install the Siebel Database Server files on the Siebel Server machine (described in DB2 UDB sections of Installing the Siebel Database Server), you may modify the database table and index creation scripts to specify the file group names you created for Siebel tables and indexes. For more information, see Overriding Default DB2 UDB Storage Parameters.

Log Space Guidelines

You must create database transaction logs large enough to support various large transactions used by the Siebel software. On DB2 UDB, three parameters affect the amount of log space reserved:

LOGFILSIZ. The size of the log file.

LOGPRIMARY. The number of log files to preallocate and use.

LOGSECOND. Extra log files that are allocated only if they are needed for a large transaction.

To run on a large system, create approximately 1 GB of total log space. Create 25-50 primary log files of 32 MB each. These tasks are accomplished by setting the LOGFILSIZ database configuration parameter to 20000 and the LOGPRIMARY parameter to 25-50. In addition, to support very large transactions, set the LOGSECOND parameter to 128 minus the value of LOGPRIMARY.

Smaller systems may use less log space.

Log File Archiving Guidelines

The database parameter LOGRETAIN is not enabled by default; this parameter may be important to you. When LOGRETAIN is set to OFF, the log files are reused in a circular fashion, and roll-forward recovery cannot be used. When LOGRETAIN is set to RECOVERY, all log files are kept on the system for the administrator to archive and delete.

If LOGRETAIN is set to NO, you can do only backup (restore) recovery and cannot do roll-forward recovery. This may have implications for your disaster recovery process related to your production Siebel Database Servers.

Have your database administrator (DBA) review the setting for this parameter as well as USEREXIT parameter. For more information on these parameters, see IBM documentation.

Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools