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About File Paths and Commands in Siebel Database Upgrade Topics

Upgrades from: All Siebel releases.

Environments: Development, production test, production.

Environment variables and path placeholders for both Windows and UNIX paths are used throughout the Siebel Database Upgrade Guide. You should enter UNIX commands in a Korn shell. Enter Windows commands in a Windows Command Prompt window.

Windows Paths

The following path conventions specify file system locations in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide topics:

  • SIEBEL_ROOT is the absolute path of the Siebel Server installation directory. When you install a Siebel Server, the installation program queries for the path to the installation directory. The installation program then installs the Siebel Server in a subdirectory of this path called siebsrvr. For example, if you specified C:\sea7xx as the installation directory for Siebel 7.x, then SIEBEL_ROOT is C:\sea7xx\siebsrvr.
  • DBSRVR_ROOT is the absolute path to the Siebel Database Server files on the Siebel Server. When you install the Siebel Database Server, the installation script queries for the path to the Siebel Server installation directory. The script then installs the Siebel Database Server files at the same level in a subdirectory called dbsrvr. For example, if SIEBEL_ROOT is C:\sea7xx\siebsrvr, then DBSRVR_ROOT is C:\sea7xx\dbsrvr.
  • Throughout the Guide, examples use the path C:\ and C:\sea7xx.

UNIX Paths

The following environment variables and path conventions specify file system locations in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide topics:

  • SIEBEL_ROOT is an environment variable that defines the absolute path of the Siebel Server installation directory. When you install a Siebel Server, the installation script queries for the path to the installation directory. The script then installs the Siebel Server in a subdirectory of this path called siebsrvr. For example, if you specified /usr/siebel as the installation directory for Siebel 7.x, then $SIEBEL_ROOT is /usr/siebel/sea7xx/siebsrvr.
  • The definition of SIEBEL_ROOT and other environment variables required for doing an upgrade are located in /siebsrvr/ The Siebel Server installation script sets environment variable definitions in this shell script. Do not edit or delete this file.

    TIP:   Before performing command line procedures, source siebenv.csh first. This refreshes the environment variables required to run commands.

  • DBSRVR_ROOT is a path convention used in the Siebel Database Upgrade Guide. It is not an environment variable and is not defined in siebenv.csh or

    DBSRVR_ROOT is the absolute path to the Siebel Database Server files on the Siebel Server. When you install the Siebel Database Server, the installation script queries for the Siebel Server installation directory. The script then installs the Siebel Database Server files at the same level in a subdirectory called dbsrvr. For example, if $SIEBEL_ROOT is /usr/siebel/sea7xx/siebsrvr, then DBSRVR_ROOT is /usr/siebel/sea7xx/dbsrvr.

  • Throughout the Guide, examples use the path /usr/siebel and /usr/siebel/sea7xx.
  • Run UNIX scripts in a C or Korn shell. Do not run .ksh scripts in a Bourne shell.

Path Navigation

Procedural steps that ask you to navigate to a specified directory should be performed as follows:

  • Windows: Open a Command Prompt window and use the cd command to make the specified directory the current directory. Do not use the Windows File Explorer to navigate to the directory. For help with the cd command, enter the word help in the Command Prompt window and click ENTER.
  • UNIX: In a shell window, make the specified directory the current directory.

Executing Commands

Procedural steps that ask you to execute a command should be performed as follows, unless specified otherwise:

  • Windows: In a Command Prompt window, verify the current directory is correct and enter the command. Do not run the command by entering it in the Run window in the Start Menu.
  • UNIX: In a shell window, verify the current directory is correct, source the siebenv script, then enter the command.

Because all versions of the UNIX operating system are case-sensitive, if you are running your Siebel Business Applications under UNIX, treat all file names, directory names, path names, parameters, flags, and command-line commands as lowercase, unless you are instructed otherwise in the product.

If your deployment currently runs under Windows, but you might switch to a UNIX environment or deploy UNIX servers in the future, follow this same practice to avoid having to rename everything later.

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Siebel Database Upgrade Guide