Siebel Database Upgrade Guide > Postmerge Development Tasks for Siebel 6.x Upgrades >

Migrating Inbound Siebel COM Interfaces

Upgrades from: Siebel 6.x.

Environments: Development environment only.

This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform a Siebel Database Upgrade.

Siebel 7.x external applications can interact with the Siebel client through the Web Client Automation Server. The Web Client Automation Server is similar in functionality to the COM Automation Server available in Siebel 6.x, but it does not expose applet or control objects.

The Siebel 7.x Web Client Automation Server enables external applications to interact with the Siebel Web client. The Web Client Automation Server enables external COM-based applications to invoke Siebel business services and manipulate property sets. The Web Client Automation Server is implemented as a COM object resident within the browser.

To enable the Web Client Automation Server, in the [SWE] section of your application's configuration file, make sure that the EnableWebClientAutomation parameter is set to TRUE. When this parameter is set to TRUE, when the application is run and a control is required, an ActiveX control is downloaded to the desktop. This process terminates when the Siebel Web client is terminated normally.

The following example illustrates how a small Microsoft Visual Basic application that uses the Web Client Automation Server and the EAI Siebel Adapter Business Service queries for a list of Accounts that start with the letter A, and displays the result in a message box.

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim siebelApp As SiebelHTMLApplication

Dim inPs As SiebelPropertySet, siebelMsg As SiebelPropertySet

Dim listOfAcct As SiebelPropertySet, acctPs As SiebelPropertySet

Dim outputPs As SiebelPropertySet

Dim svc As SiebelService

Dim i As Long, j As Long, iPos As Long

Dim acctList As String

Dim status As Boolean

Set siebelApp = GetObject("", "SiebelHTML.SiebelHTMLApplication.1")

Set inPs = siebelApp.NewPropertySet

Set siebelMsg = siebelApp.NewPropertySet

Set listOfAcct = siebelApp.NewPropertySet

Set acctPs = siebelApp.NewPropertySet

Set outputPs = siebelApp.NewPropertySet

Set svc = siebelApp.GetService("EAI Siebel Adapter")

' The following lines will construct a property set to query on the Sample Account

' Integration Object

siebelMsg.SetType ("SiebelMessage")

status = siebelMsg.SetProperty("IntObjectName", "Sample Account")

status = siebelMsg.SetProperty("MessageId", "")

status = siebelMsg.SetProperty("Message Type", "")

listOfAcct.SetType ("ListOfSample Account")

acctPs.SetType ("Account")

status = acctPs.SetProperty("Name", "A*")

iPos = listOfAcct.AddChild(acctPs)

iPos = siebelMsg.AddChild(listOfAcct)

iPos = inPs.AddChild(siebelMsg)

' Now that the Integration Object has been constructed, query for Accounts starting with A

status = svc.InvokeMethod("Query", inPs, outputPs)

If status then

j = 0

i = outputPs.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetPropertyCount

Do While j < i

acctList = acctList & outputPs.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetChild(0). _

GetChild(j).GetProperty("Name") & Chr(10) & Chr(13)

j = j + 1


MsgBox (acctList)

    End If

End Sub

For additional information on the Mobile Web Client Automation Server or the Web Client Automation Server, see Siebel Tools Online Help.

You might need to modify browser security settings to allow use of the Web Client Automation Server. For security settings and information about deploying ActiveX controls in the browser, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

Related Topics

About Migrating Siebel 6.x Client-Side Interfaces.

Migrating Outbound Siebel COM Interfaces

Siebel Database Upgrade Guide