Siebel Database Upgrade Guide > Postmerge Development Tasks for Siebel 6.x Upgrades >

About Migrating Siebel 6.x Scripts

Upgrades from: Siebel 6.x.

Environments: Development environment only.

You must migrate scripts on UI objects to server scripts or browser scripts when upgrading to Siebel 7.7.x.

Server Scripts

Server scripts execute in the Application Object Manager. They existed in prior releases and continue to be supported in Siebel 7.7.x and later. These scripts are written in Siebel VB (for Windows platforms) and Siebel eScript (for Windows or UNIX). There are four types of server scripts:

  • Business component server script
  • Business service server script
  • Application server script
  • Applet server script

Server scripts enable you to script the behavior of business components, business services, applications, and applets by writing event handlers for events exposed by the scripting model.

Browser Scripts

Browser scripts execute in the browser. Browser scripts are written in JavaScript and interact with the document object model (DOM) as well as the Siebel Object Model available in the high interactivity Web Client framework. You can script the behavior of Siebel events as well as browser events that are exposed through the DOM.

Siebel Tools allows you to write scripts by selecting the appropriate User Agent. For information about browser script techniques, see Technical Note 386, available on Oracle's Siebel SupportWeb. For more information about events that are exposed through the DOM, see Siebel Tools Online Help.

You must migrate Siebel 6.x scripts written on applets to applet server scripts or business component server scripts, or you must rewrite them as browser scripts.

Applet script migration includes the following types of tasks:

  • Moving Siebel 6.x applet scripts such as Control_Click event handlers to business components
  • Rescripting Siebel 6.x ActiveX controls in browser script
  • Rewriting other Siebel 6.x applet scripts in browser script

To identify the number of 6.x applet scripts to be reviewed or migrated, look at the Object List Editor in Flat mode in Siebel Tools.

You must review Siebel 6.x scripts on the business components, business services, and application to identify references to methods, such as UI methods, that can not be accessed from server scripts.

To locate server scripts that you may need to modify, run the Siebel Tools Validator on business components, business services, and applications for which the Scripted flag is set to True.

You must modify Siebel 6.x business component and application scripts that contain references to UI methods. For example, you need to replace calls to MsgBox with calls to the RaiseError/RaiseErrorText method. Other modifications may include moving scripts to Browser script. For more information, see Siebel Tools Online Help.

Error Handling

Two new methods are added in Siebel 7.x for obtaining application error information. These are errText and errCode. Revise the error handling portion of scripts to use these. For example,



...} ..."

should be changed to

{ ...



...} ..."

Siebel Database Upgrade Guide