Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 > Upgrading a Database from the Mainframe >

Loading Log Tables on the Target Database

Upgrades: All upgrades.

Environments: Development (mainframe-centric) environment and Production environment.

This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform the Upgrade.

Perform the following steps to load log tables on the target database.

To load the Target Log table

  1. If you are not on the Siebel Upgrade Main Menu, enter the following command:



    The Siebel Upgrade Job Submission Menu for your upgrade path appears.

    • For Siebel eBusiness application upgrades, the panel ID is SBLRUNHP.
    • For Siebel Industry application (SIA) upgrades, the panel ID is SBLRUNFP.
  3. Select option 1: LOAD TARGET SIEBEL LOG (1 OF 2).
  4. Run the job using the JCL in dataset DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.INSTALL.JCL(LTARLOG1).

    This loads the target Siebel log table using the dsnhlq.siebel.joblog.loadfile.

    NOTE:  After running this job, verify that it was successful by reviewing the sysout in SDSF and making sure the RC=0.

  5. Review sysout output, rows loaded will vary, depending on your upgrade path.
  6. After submitting the job, enter cancel on the command line or press PF3 to save changes.
Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390