Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 > Upgrading a Database from the Mainframe > Preparing the zSeries Host Environment >

Transferring JCL, SQL, and Binary Files to the zSeries Host

The following procedure transfers necessary files to the zSeries host.

To transfer files to the zSeries host

  1. Navigate to your DDL output directory and open the pretftp.txt file.

    Windows: The default DDL output directory is SIEBEL_ROOT\dbsrvr\db2390\dboutput\upgrade.

    UNIX: The default DDL output directory is $SIEBEL_ROOT/dbsrvr/db2390/dboutput/upgrade.

  2. Edit the pretftp.txt file using the following information:
    1. Replace &IP with the IP address or name of your zSeries host, for example ZM01.
    2. Replace &Username with the your TSO ID, for example sadmin.
    3. Replace the constant SIEBELQ1 with your own dataset high-level qualifier (DSNHLQ), for example, to your TSO ID or to a DSNHLQ that you have authority to allocate datasets as (such as SK.SBL) using a command like Replace All.

      Use the same high-level qualifier for all zSeries upgrade datasets. The DSNHLQ must be 18 characters or less and can have multiple nodes separated by periods. A node must be one to eight characters in length. The DSNHLQ can be the TSO ID.

  3. After modifying the pretftp.txt file, save it, and then close the file.
  4. Double-click pretftp.bat (from UNIX issue the following command: Ftp -i > ftpfile.bat).
  5. At the prompt, enter the password for the user name that you entered in pretftp.txt to replace &Username, and then press Enter.

    All files generated to this point of the upgrade process transfer from the midtier to the zSeries host.

    The pretftp.log file is created in dbsrvr\db2390\dboutput\upgrade.

Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390