Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 > Migrating Siebel 6.x Customizations >

Identifying What Will Be Migrated

Upgrades: Release 6.x only.

Environments: Development environment only.

This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform the Upgrade.

This topic describes how to use the Siebel Web Client Migration Wizard to identify the created and modified applets and views that will be migrated when upgrading to Release 7.7.

For more information on migrating created or modified applets and views to the Siebel Web Client, see About Migrating to the Siebel Web Client.

Prerequisite: The repository merge must have been completed successfully. See Determining if a Repository Merge was Successful.

To identify which objects will be migrated

  1. In Siebel Tools, navigate to Screens > Application Upgrader > Application Upgrade Object List.
  2. In the Application Upgrades list, select the record of the merge.
  3. Select Tools > Upgrade > Web Client Migration.

    This starts the Siebel Web Client Migration Wizard. The model applet selection screen appears.

  4. Select the types of applets and views that you want to migrate:
    • New applets
    • New views
    • Modified applets
    • Modified views
  5. Select Mark Applets and Views and click Next.

    No migration occurs.

    Instead, the wizard puts TBMN (to be migrated new, for created applets and views) or TBMM (to be migrated modified, for modified applets and views) in the Comment field for applets and views to be migrated.

  6. Query for objects with TBMN or TBMM in the Comments field to create a list of the objects that the Siebel Web Client Migration Wizard identified.
Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390