Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 > Postupgrade Tasks for Applications >

Generating Reporting Relationships After Upgrade

Upgrades: All upgrades.

Environments: All environments.

This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform the Upgrade.

The Generate Reporting Relationships process needs to be executed after the upgrade to Release 7.x and whenever the denormalized hierarchy structure (S_PARTY_RPT_REL) becomes out of sync with the data in the normalized tables (S_PARTY). Tables can become out of sync in the following cases:

  • After upgrading to Release 7.x, the organizational hierarchy (even if there is only one organization) must be established to maintain appropriate visibility in the views cited above.
  • When EIM is used to import or update any of the hierarchies (positions, organizations, or access groups).

In Siebel 7.x, there are three visibility hierarchies—position, organization, and access groups. These hierarchies are denormalized and maintained in the table S_PARTY_RPT_REL. These denormalized hierarchies are necessary for executing visibility modes that go up or down a hierarchy. For example:

  • Manager view mode. My Team's Accounts View displays all accounts on which managers and their subordinates are working.
  • Suborganizations view mode. All Contacts across My Organizations View displays all contacts that are associated to either my organization or any of my organization's suborganizations.

The Generate Reporting Relationships process rebuilds the denormalized relationships in the S_PARTY_RPT_REL table so that the hierarchical view modes display the correct information. The basic operation of the function is to empty the S_PARTY_RPT_REL table and then walk through each S_PARTY record to re-create the denormalized hierarchical structures in the table. This process generates a large number of transactions for Siebel Remote users and regional nodes.

The standard Release 7.x configuration includes the Generate Reporting Relationships feature as a hidden button on the Position List Applet NB. You need to go through Siebel Tools configuration to expose this button.

This operation is time and CPU/memory-intensive. The process may take several minutes, depending on the size and complexity of your organizational structures. Do not perform this when you are running other memory-intensive processes.

To expose the Generate Reporting Relationships button

  1. Open Siebel Tools and navigate to the applets folder.
  2. Find and select the Position List Applet NB applet record.
  3. Right-click on the record and select Edit Web Layout.
  4. Drag the GenReportRel button from the Controls/Columns window into one of the button placeholders in the applet layout (that is, one of the empty x placeholders in the blue header area of the applet layout).
  5. Repeat this step for the three different modes (Base, Edit, and Edit List) in which the applet can be displayed. The easiest way to switch between the different modes is to use the Mode drop-down that appears in the Web Controls toolbar of Siebel Tools. After you have dragged the button and dropped it into all three modes of the applet layout, close the layout editor and save your changes.
  6. Recompile the applet into your existing siebel.srf as used by the Siebel Web client.
  7. Launch the Web client using the SRF compiled in the previous step so that the Generate Reporting Relationships button can be invoked.

    It is recommended that you do not make this button available in the standard siebel.srf file used by your organization in order to preserve control over who can press this button and when it can be pressed.

To generate reporting relationships

  1. If you have an active Siebel Remote environment, confer with a Siebel administrator. The administrator needs to arrange for the Transaction Processor to be paused before performing this procedure.
  2. Choose Group Administration under Site Map and navigate to the Positions view in the Siebel Web client application. Click the Generate Reporting Relationships button in the Position List Applet NB. Note that generating the reporting relationship may cause a large number of Siebel Remote transactions to be generated.
  3. When this has completed, restart the Transaction Processor.
Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390