Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 > Postupgrade Tasks for Database and File System >

Updating File System Attachments

Upgrades: Release 7.0.x.

Environments: All environments.

This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform the Upgrade.

Perform both of the following procedures to upgrade file system attachments.

Upgrading the Siebel File System

Perform the following procedure to upgrade the Siebel File System.

To upgrade the file system

  1. Navigate to the following directory:

    Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\bin


  2. Enter the following command:

    Windows: chng_file_sys.bat SOURCE_TABLE TARGET_TABLE "FILE_SYSTEM"

    UNIX: chng_file_sys.ksh -s SOURCE_TABLE -t TARGET_TABLE -f "FILE_SYSTEM"


    • SOURCE_TABLE = name of the original, inactive, table.
    • TARGET_TABLE = name of the new table to which the original data was migrated.
    • "FILE_SYSTEM" = name of the directory where the file system resides (entered inside quotation marks).

      Windows example:

    chng_file_sys.bat S_EMPLOYEE_ATT S_CONTACT_ATT

    UNIX example:

    chng_file_sys.ksh -s S_EMPLOYEE_ATT -t S_CONTACT_ATT

Review the renamed files carefully to verify that they can be accessed by Siebel eBusiness applications.

Make sure that attachment files for obsolete tables are renamed or copied to alternate locations. For example, since S_EMPLOYEE_ATT is migrated to S_CONTACT_ATT, you need to rename a file such as S_EMPLOYEE_12-1ABC.SAF to S_CONTACT_12-1ABC.SAF.

Migrating Files

The table S_LIT was migrated to S_CB_ASSET_VER; therefore, you need to migrate files associated with migrated records. Perform the following steps to copy the files named S_LIT*.SAF and rename them to S_CB_ASSET_VER*.SAF, so that the files correspond to the new table name.

To migrate S_LIT files to S_CB_ASSET_VER

  1. Navigate to the following directory:

    Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\bin


  2. Enter the following command:




    • ODBC_SOURCE = the ODBC source of the database.
    • USER_NAME = the database user name.
    • PASSWORD = the password for the database user name.
    • TABLE_OWNER = the database tableowner (if your implementation is on iSeries, you can use the value provided for User_Name).
    • FILE_SYSTEM_LOCATION = the directory where the file system resides.
    • SIEBEL_ROOT = the directory where the Siebel Server is installed.
    • DBSRVR_ROOT = the directory where Siebel Database Server files are installed.

      Windows example:

    file_upg_mm.bat SEBL sadmin sadminpw SIEBEL "C:\siebfile" "C:\sea7xx\siebsrvr" "C:\sea7xx\dbsrvr"

    UNIX example:

    file_upg_mm.ksh SEBL sadmin sadminpw SIEBEL C:\siebfile $SIEBEL_ROOT

    Note that the UNIX syntax does not use quotes around FILE_SYSTEM_LOCATION, and DBSRVR_ROOT.

  3. Review the renamed files carefully to verify that they can be accessed by Siebel eBusiness applications.

Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390