Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 > Basic Database Preparations >

Preparing Custom Indexes for Upgrade

Upgrades: All upgrades.

Environments: All environments.

This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform the Upgrade.

Consider the following guidelines when preparing custom indexes for upgrade:

  • Custom indexes against extension columns on obsolete tables. If you have created custom indexes that use extension columns on obsolete tables, you must migrate the data to new extension columns before upgrading the Siebel Database. For assistance, contact Siebel Technical Support.
  • Custom indexes that were not defined through Siebel Tools. Custom indexes created without using Siebel Tools are not included in the schema definition in the Siebel Repository. These indexes are dropped during the database upgrade. To preserve these indexes, add them to the Siebel Repository using Siebel Tools.
  • Custom indexes on interface tables. Custom indexes on interface tables are not re-created during the upgrade. You must re-create them after the upgrade is complete.
  • Custom indexes on base tables. The Release 7.x upgrade automatically drops and re-creates custom indexes on base tables.
  • Custom indexes may need to be changed to reflect schema changes. Reevaluate custom indexes for applicability in the new release. They may no longer be needed due to schema changes in the new release.

For more information about custom indexes, see Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications.

Dropping Custom Temporary Tables

Release 7.x does not support custom tables created at the database level. If you have temporary tables or non-Siebel tables, drop them before you perform the upgrade. If the upgrade process detects any column with a data type under the table that is not acceptable by Siebel, the upgrade fails.

Considerations for Clustered Indexes

If you created clustered indexes on base tables and Release 7.x introduces a different clustered index on the same table, the upgrade process re-creates custom indexes as nonclustered and creates the Siebel index as clustered.

Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390