Siebel eScript Language Reference > Siebel eScript Commands > String Objects >

string.replace() Method

This method searches a string using the regular expression pattern defined by pattern. If a match is found, it is replaced by the substring defined by replexp.


string.replace(pattern, replexp)



Regular expression pattern to find or match in string.


Replacement expression which may be a string, a string with regular expression elements, or a function.


The original string with replacements according to pattern and replexp.


The string is searched using the regular expression pattern defined by pattern. If a match is found, it is replaced by the substring defined by replexp. The parameter replexp may be:

  • A simple string
  • A string containing special regular expression replacement elements
  • A function that returns a value that may be converted into a string

If any replacements are made, appropriate RegExp object static properties such as RegExp.leftContext, RegExp.rightContext, and RegExp.$n are set. These properties provide more information about the replacements.

The following table shows the special characters that may occur in a replacement expression.


$1, $2 ... $9

The text matched by regular expression patterns inside of parentheses. For example, $1 puts the text matched in the first parenthesized group in a regular expression pattern.


The text matched by the last regular expression pattern inside of the last parentheses, that is, the last group.


The text matched by a regular expression pattern.


The text to the left of the text matched by a regular expression pattern.


The text to the right of the text matched by a regular expression pattern.


The dollar sign character.


var rtn;
var str = "one two three two one";
var pat = /(two)/g;

// rtn == "one zzz three zzz one"
rtn = str.replace(pat, "zzz");

// rtn == "one twozzz three twozzz one";
rtn = str.replace(pat, "$1zzz");

// rtn == "one 5 three 5 one"
rtn = str.replace(pat, five());

// rtn == "one twotwo three twotwo one";
rtn = str.replace(pat, "$&$&);

function five() {
   return 5;


Siebel eScript Language Reference