Product Administration Guide > Customizable Product UI Properties >

Understanding UI Properties

A UI property is a named variable and its value. UI properties modify the display of an item in a customizable product. You define a UI property by selecting the desired item in a customizable product and then defining one or more UI properties for it.

There are two types of UI properties: predefined and user-defined. Predefined UI properties, such as Hide, are Siebel-provided UI properties that perform special functions. User-defined UI properties are those that you define and then insert into a Web template to control the display characteristics of an item.

The User Interface Property Designer displays all the items in the customizable product:

To use the User Interface Property Designer, you select an item in the customizable product and then define a UI property for the item in Item Display Properties. Each record in Display Properties has two fields. The first contains the name of the UI Property variable. The second field contains the value you want to assign to the variable. This value is what displays in the configuration session.

Observe the following guidelines when defining UI properties:

 Product Administration Guide, Version 7.5 
 Published: 18 April 2003