Product Administration Guide > Product Attributes >

Setting an Attribute Value for a Product

When you set the value of an attribute for a product, it cannot be changed by either the user, a configuration rule, or the eConfigurator engine. One example, is when you want to set an attribute value so that provide and consume rules can use it to add or subtract from a defined resource.

For example, you create an attribute called Slots Required for a product class containing expansion cards. Some cards take up one expansion slot; some take up two. You could define a list of values containing the integers 1 and 2 and make it the domain for Slots Required. For each expansion card you would then set the value of this attribute at 1 or 2. Users cannot change this value when configuring the product, and configuration rules cannot change this value.

You would then write a provide rule that increases a Slots Available resource when the user picks a chassis. For the expansion card class, you would write a consume rule that reduces Slots Available by the value of Slots Required, each time the user picks an expansion card. In this fashion, you use attribute values as constants that interact with a defined resource to manage a consumable configuration variable.

To set an attribute value for a product

  1. Navigate to Product Administration.
  2. Select the desired product.
  3. Open the More Info Show menu and choose Dynamic Attributes.
  4. The Dynamic Attributes list appears. This list displays all the product's attributes inherited from its class or subclass.

  5. Select the desired attribute and enter the desired attribute value in the Value field or select the desired value from the drop-down menu (list of values domain).
  6. Verify that the value you have set is within the defined domain of the attribute and is the correct data type.
  7. If you enter a value that is outside the domain the eConfigurator engine will accept it unless the attribute definition includes a validation expression. If you enter a value that is the wrong data type (for example, a date when the data type is integer) the resulting engine behavior is indeterminate.

  8. Click in the Read Only column.
  9. A check mark appears, indicating the attribute value is set and cannot be changed.

  10. Save the record.
  11. This sets the value of the attribute. A check mark appears in the Read Only field. The value cannot be changed by the user during a configuration session or by the eConfigurator engine.

 Product Administration Guide, Version 7.5 
 Published: 18 April 2003