Product Administration Guide > Release and Manage Customizable Products >

Converting a Regular Customizable Product to a Bundle

When you convert a regular customizable product to a bundle, any items outside the scope of a bundle, such as configuration rules, stop being effective and are ignored. They are not erased from the definition and become effective again if you convert the bundle back to a customizable product.

Converting has the following effects:

When a user adds a bundle to a quote or order, the bundle and its components display as separate line items. Users cannot start a configuration session.

The customizable product must have at least one released version before you can convert it to a bundle.

To convert a regular customizable product to a bundle

  1. Navigate to Product Administration.
  2. Select and lock the desired customizable product.
  3. Make any desired changes and release a new version.
  4. Navigate to Bundle Administration and review the displayed contents.
  5. Bundle Administration displays the products in the customizable product that will be included in the bundle. If the contents are not correct, revise the customizable product and release a new version.

  6. In Bundle Administration, click Modify, then click Done.
  7. This converts the customizable product to a bundle and releases a new version. A check mark displays in the Bundle field in the product form. The check mark in the Customizable Product field is removed.

  8. Revise existing quotes and orders as needed to reflect the change.

 Product Administration Guide, Version 7.5 
 Published: 18 April 2003