Siebel Server Administration Guide > Event Logging Administration > Events and Event Logging >

Event Logging Files

Event logging and event logging files are the most valuable diagnostic tool provided with Siebel eBusiness Applications. Use of this tool determines where problems occur, and also records detailed information that allows you to fine-tune and optimize your deployment. Two types of log files record Siebel eBusiness Application event logging: Siebel Server log files and component log files.

Siebel Server Log Files

Siebel Server log files record data for each individual Siebel Server deployed as part of a Siebel Enterprise Server. These Siebel Server log files are stored in the Siebel Server log directory for each individual Siebel Server. Server log files use the following name convention: EnterpriseServerName.SiebelServerName.log.

Information contained in the Siebel Server log file can be used to determine where to search and investigate component log files for further information. The task ID, which makes up a part of the component log file name, is referenced in messages written to the Siebel Server log file. Locate the appropriate component task ID in the Siebel Server log file and open the task-specific component log that has the task ID in the log file name. See Siebel Server Event Log File Examples and Component Log File Examples for an example of this relationship.

For further information and examples of Siebel Server log files, see Viewing Siebel Server Event Logs and Siebel Server Event Log File Examples.

Component Log Files

Siebel Server component log files record data for each individual component and task functioning on a particular Siebel Server. These component log files are stored in the Siebel Server log directory on the Siebel Server in which the components are active. Using event logging with individual components allows you to isolate portions of the Siebel eBusiness Application. Component log files use the following name convention: ComponentAlias_TaskId.log. For further information and examples of component log files, see Viewing Component Event Logs and Component Log File Examples.

Individual component task log files can also be consolidated into a single log file by setting the component parameter Use Shared Log File. See Generic Parameters for further information on this parameter; see Parameter Administration for information on administering Siebel Enterprise, Siebel Server, and server component parameters.

NOTE:  Both Siebel Server and component log files that record less severe event level settings can become very large in size.

Event Attributes and Log File Format

Each event within the log file contains information about the associated application condition, including:

For examples of individual events and their attribute values see, Siebel Server Event Log File Examples and Component Log File Examples. For an example of a group of events collected within a log file, see Detailed Component Log File Example.

Events are written to and collected in a log file in the order of their occurrence. Each log file contains a header that provides information on the individual log file. The following is an example of a log file header:

2021 2002-07-10 10:37:31 0000-00-00 00:00:00 -0700 00000000 001 001f 0001 09 siebsrvr 4097 574 45 m:\siebel\log\siebel.Srvr1.log 7.5.2 [15041] ENU

Log File Header Detail

Byte Order Marker (BOM). The BOM is a Unicode format instruction. If the log file header opens with similar characters to the left, it indicates that the text editor used to view the log file cannot interpret the Unicode instruction

2002-07-10 10:37:31
Time stamp of log file creation
Offset of the local time from the GMT in the format ±HHMM
The Siebel Server or component alias to which this log file refers.
Task ID
OS Process ID
Thread ID
Trace file name
Version number
Build number
Language code

 Siebel Server Administration Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. C 
 Published: 18 April 2003