Siebel Tools Reference > Physical UI Navigation and Templates >

View Templates

A view is a collection of applets displayed on a screen at the same time. It consists of a single window displaying related data forms and lists (applets). The user can select the current (active) view from either the Screenbar (the default view for that screen), the second-level Visibility picklist, a third-level tab, the fourth level Category-view picklist, the thread bar, the history list, history forward and back buttons, or by a drilldown from another view. Access to particular views is determined by the four navigational constructs in the physical UI.

View Templates are associated with a view through the View Web Template object definition. A view template primarily contains placeholders for applets as specified by the <swe:applet> tag. The mapping of specific applets to these placeholders is done visually through the View Web layout editor. The following is an example of a view template.

<!-- Template Start: CCViewBasic.swt -->

<!------------ Page Title ------------->


<swe:this property="Title"/>


<!----------- Salutation applet and Search Applet, table 3.1 ------>

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" width="100%">


<td width="66%"><swe:applet id="101"/>&nbsp;</td>

<td width="33%"><swe:applet id="201"/>&nbsp;</td>



<!-------- End Salutation applet and Search Applet, table 3.1 ------>

<!------------ Regular Applet(s) ---->

<swe:for-each count=5 iteratorName="currentId" startValue="1">

<swe:applet id="swe:currentId"/>


<!------------ Special Applet(s) ---->

<swe:for-each count=3 iteratorName="currentId" startValue="11">

<swe:applet id="swe:currentId"/>


<!-- Template End: CCViewBasic.swt -->

Notice that each <swe:applet id=x> tag acts as a placeholder for an applet's location in the view template. This same view template can be used to show different views by mapping the view's applets to these placeholders. In the default view templates shipped with Siebel Applications, swe:applet tags with IDs of 101 and 201 are used to show the salutation and search applets at the top of the views. The IDs 1 through 10 are used to show the main applets in the view, and the IDs starting with 11 are used to show some special applets that appear at the bottom of some views.

 Siebel Tools Reference, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003