Siebel Tools Reference > Logical User Interface Objects Configuration > Using the Locale Management Utility >

Exporting Strings and Other Locale-Specific Attributes

You use the Locale Management Utility to export strings and other locale-specific attributes to an external file.

To export strings and other locale-specific attributes

  1. Choose Tools > Utilities > Locale Management.
  2. The Locale Management Utility appears.

  3. Select the Source and Target Languages.
  4. Select the applications or projects that you want to localize.
  5. Select the Export Tab.
  6. Select whether you want to export Strings only or all localizable attributes.
  7. All localizable attribute includes Strings and other layout attributes, such as the positions of controls. These attributes may be different for different locales.

  8. Click Export.
  9. When you click export the objects that you selected are exported to a file. The default directory for the file is the Tools/Objects directory of your Siebel installation. If you have chosen to export Strings Only, the strings are exported to a text file called "results.txt." If you have selected to export All Localizable Attributes, Strings and other UI attributes are exported to a file called "results.slf."

 Siebel Tools Reference, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003