Siebel Tools Reference > Adding Custom Extensions to the Data Model > Updating the Logical Schema Definition in the Local Environment >

Using Extensions with Enterprise Integration Manager

If you plan to use the Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM) to populate an extension column with data, you could manually add an extension column or table to the appropriate interface table, and map this extension column to the extension column in the base table or extension table. Or you could use the EIM Table Mapping Wizard to generate mapping automatically. See EIM Table Mapping Wizard.

NOTE:  After the EIM objects are modified, you do not need to compile and distribute a new .srf with these changes for EIM to recognize the new mappings. They are read directly from the database.

The Database Extension Designer and EIM support mappings between the columns in extension tables and columns in interface tables. When you create an extension table, you need to extend the EIM table manually and map the new columns.

You can make new mappings from an interface table to a base table if either of two conditions is true:

NOTE:  Interface table names start with EIM_ in Siebel 7.5.

For example, you can create an extension column in the EIM_ACCOUNT table called X_CUST_NUM, and map this either to an extension column you added to S_ORG_EXT or to an existing column in the S_ORG_EXT_X extension table.

NOTE:  Mappings from interface extension columns to base columns are not supported.

The following EIM Table Mapping properties are to be used only by Siebel Systems and should not be modified by customers:

To create and map interface extension columns

  1. Identify the interface table in the Table Object List Editor that is used to populate your extension column.
  2. Create the extension column on the interface table, following the instructions in Adding Extension Columns to Tables.
  3. In the Object Explorer, select the EIM Interface Table object type. In the Object List Editor, select the appropriate interface table.
  4. In the Object Explorer, select the EIM Table Mapping object type. In the Object List Editor, select the base table or extension table that contains the column to be populated.
  5. In the Object Explorer, select the Attribute Mapping object type.
  6. Select Edit > New Record from the menu bar to create a mapping from the interface extension column to the appropriate extension column in the base table.

NOTE:  Verify that the new interface extension column's Inactive flag is not checked. The new interface extension column will appear in the drop-down list whether the column's Inactive flag is checked or not.

EIM Processing Columns do not show in the drop-down list. Therefore if the new interface column does not show in the drop-down list, change the column's EIM Processing Column Flag from TRUE to FALSE.

You should not map multiple interface table columns to a single column in a target table. You can, however, map a single column in an interface table to multiple base tables or extension tables for a base table of the interface table.

You can either delete or deactivate mappings if they are no longer necessary. To delete the mapping, navigate to the Attribute Mapping object in the Object List Editor and select Edit > Delete Record. To deactivate a mapping, set the Inactive property to TRUE for the Attribute Mapping object definition.

 Siebel Tools Reference, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003