Siebel Tools Reference > Special-Purpose Applets and Controls > Pop-Up Windows >

Configuring Pop-Up Applets Launched from Applets

This is the typical scenario in which clicking a button on an applet invokes a pop-up window for editing a set of values, or browsing through a list, and so on.

To configure a pop-up applet

  1. Select the applet from which to launch the pop-up window.
  2. Create a control for the applet.
  3. Set the Method Invoked property of the control to ShowPopup.
  4. Expand the Control object, and then select the Control User Prop object.
  5. Create three control user properties:
  6. Create the pop-up applet.
  7. Add controls to the pop-up applet:

In Siebel eSales, there is an applet called Product Form Applet (eSales). It is based on the specialized class CSSSWEFrameBuyNow. Although this is noted as CSSFrameBuyNow in the Class property of the applet, the class name includes "SWE." This class is a subclass of CSSSWEFrameBase.

The form applet provides a product name, description, list price, customer price, and quantity. It also has five button controls: Add To Cart (Method Invoked property AddToCart), Add To Favorites (AddToFavoriteList), Add To Template (AddToTemplate), Browse Deals (ShowPopup), and Customize (Customize). All of these controls except Browse Deals invoke their methods without activating a pop-up applet and therefore have no user properties.

The Browse Deals button launches a read-only pop-up applet called CPG Deal List Applet for Catalog Products, as specified in the Popup user property. It opens in Base mode (as specified in the Mode user property) because there is no editing, only scrolling through the displayed information and selecting a promotion. The Popup Dimension property is inactive, so the dimensions by default are 600 X 600.

The ShowPopup method (defined in CSSSWEFrame) opens the pop-up applet, using the applet name in the Popup user property. This is the standard way to open a pop-up from an applet.

The pop-up applet is a list applet with a Query button above the list and Add and Close buttons below the list. The Add button has a Method Invoked property of SelectPromotion; the Close button has a Method Invoked property of CloseApplet; and the Query button has a Method Invoked property of NewQuery.

 Siebel Tools Reference, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003