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Forecast Analytics

Siebel Sales Analytics provides several forecasting analytics reports preconfigured in both the Pipeline and Sales Effectiveness dashboards. This new feature performs real-time and historical analyses of forecast data to help manage each quarter's expectations and results better.

To enable the forecasting charts included in these dashboards, the administrator needs to perform several group administration tasks.

To enable the dashboard forecasting charts

  1. Log in to Siebel Analytics as administrator and navigate to the Answers > Analytics Web Administration view.
  2. Go to Manage Web Groups & Users. In the No Forecasting Web group, click Edit (this icon resembles a hand).
  3. Click the delete icon (X) to delete Authenticated Users from the Group Members section of this group, then click Finished.
  4. In the No Forecasting Lite group, click Edit.
  5. Under the Group Membership section, click Add New Member and type the following group name in the Member Name box: Authenticated Users.
  6. Click Add Member, then click Finished.

Siebel Sales Analytics also provides several preconfigured reports based on Expected Revenue for those customers that do not own Siebel Forecasting. The preconfigured dashboards display these charts by default.

Forecast Analytics Terms

Siebel Analytics contains several types of forecasting analyses, all based on the following basic metrics.

  • Summary Forecast
Derived from the summary-level forecast data displayed in the Forecast screen, Summary view. This data exists for a given position, for a given time period and for a specific date. For example, a Sales Manager reviewing her Summary Forecast sees that on August 10, she forecasted $6 million for the third quarter.
  • Detail Forecast
Derived from the detail-level forecast data displayed in the Forecast screen, Detail view. This metric allows the user to analyze his personal forecast details. As a result, in addition to position and time information, these details can provide Account, and Opportunity information, if the customer is using a Detail Forecast Series in which every subordinate passes detailed forecast information to her manager during the forecast submission process. If the customer uses a Summary Forecast Series in which only a subordinate's summary information is passed on to the manager, then no account or opportunity information is available to the manager through this metric.
  • Frontline Forecast
Derived from the detail-level forecast data displayed in the Forecast screen, Detail view. The difference between Frontline and Detail forecast metrics is that the Frontline metric shows the detailed information from the original owner of the forecasted opportunity. In other words, this metric displays the detail information from the user's subordinates as well as her own. The result of this difference is that detailed information, such as Account and Opportunity information, is always available to the user because the metric finds all the opportunities in the forecast where they first appear—at the front lines of the organization. For example, a Sales Manager reviewing her Summary Forecast would see that on August 10, her team in aggregate forecasted $7 million for the third quarter based on several specific opportunities.
  • Archive Date
The date on which a Forecast is deemed to be completed and ready for archival in the Data Warehouse. This field can be found in the Forecast Administration screen, Forecast Series view, Forecast Series Dates list. To display the date, go to Menu > Columns Displayed and select the Archive Date column. Only archived Forecasts are sent to the Data Warehouse during the ETL process.

 Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide
 Published: 09 September 2004