Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide > Installing Siebel Analytics Software in the Windows Environment >

A Note on Executable Files

The $INSTALLDIR\SiebelAnalytics\Bin folder contains all of the executable files invoked by Siebel Analytics Server components, as well as some utilities that are described in Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide. It also contains some command-line utilities that are provided for debugging purposes. For example, nQcmd.exe can be used for automated regression testing, nQUDMLGen.exe can generate UDML text from a repository, and nQUDMLExec.exe can generate a repository from UDML text and remove inconsistent or faulty UDML in the process.

CAUTION:  It is recommended that you contact Siebel Technical Support before using any of the utilities listed below. Some can create damage if not used properly. For example, nQUDMLGen.exe may completely decompile and recompile the Analytics repository. The repository may be rendered unstable, unusable, or inconsistent.

The following command-line utilities are included:

 Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide
 Published: 09 September 2004