Siebel Analytics Message Reference > Siebel Analytics Messages >

Siebel Analytics Cluster Server Messages

This category contains message numbers 69xxx - 72xxx.


Error occurred while processing @1%s.

Cause.  An attempt to communicate or perform an operation on the Cluster Controller failed. The routine encountering the failure is included in the message.

Response.  Examine the messages that normally follow this one. If retrying the operation does not resolve the problem, contact Siebel Systems technical support.


Error returned by DCOM while processing `@1%ls' against Cluster Controller @2%ls: `@3%ls' (@4%X).

Cause.  An attempt to perform an operation on the Cluster Controller failed with the specified Win32 DCOM error code.

Response.  Use a reference source (such as the Support Knowledge Base at to research the specified Win32 error code, and correct any identified environmental or configuration problems. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Unknown Exception thrown by the Cluster Controller.

Cause.  The primary and secondary Cluster Controllers may not be functioning properly.

Response.  Verify that the Cluster Controller processes have been configured and started up properly. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


No Cluster Controller has been specified for the clustered DSN.

Cause.  The primary and secondary Cluster Controllers have not been specified.

Response.  Verify that at least one Cluster Controller is specified for the clustered DSN.


Cannot determine the identity of the controlling Cluster Controller for the clustered DSN.

Cause.  Either no Cluster Controller has been specified or it is not running properly.

Response.  Verify that at least one Cluster Controller is specified for the clustered DSN and that it is running properly.


Test connection to both the primary and secondary Cluster Controller failed.

Cause.  A test connection to both the primary and secondary Cluster Controller failed. The Cluster Controller(s) may not be correctly specified, or may not be running.

Response.  Verify that at least one Cluster Controller is specified for the clustered DSN and that it is running properly.


Test Connection to the primary Cluster Controller failed. Connection to the secondary Cluster Controller succeeded, but test connection to the following Siebel Analytics Servers failed: @1%s

Cause.  The primary Cluster Controller may not be running properly. Some Siebel Analytics Servers connected to the secondary Cluster Controller may not be running properly.

Response.  Verify that the primary Cluster Controller is running, and that the failed Siebel Analytics Servers are running and are properly connected to the primary Cluster Controller.


Test connection to the secondary Cluster Controller failed. Connection to the Primary Cluster Controller succeeded, but test connection to the following Siebel Analytics Servers failed: @1%s

Cause.  The secondary Cluster Controller may not be running properly. Some Siebel Analytics Servers connected to the primary Cluster Controller may not be running properly.

Response.  Verify that the secondary Cluster Controller is running, and that the failed Siebel Analytics Servers are running and are properly connected to the secondary Cluster Controller.


Test connection to both Cluster Controllers succeeded. However, the connection test to the following Siebel Analytics Server nodes failed: @1%s

Cause.  Some Siebel Analytics Servers may not be running or there may be network problems.

Response.  Verify that all Siebel Analytics Servers are running and that the client can access the specified machines over the network.


Test connection to the primary Cluster Controller failed.

Cause.  The primary Cluster Controller may not be running properly.

Response.  Verify that the primary Cluster Controller is running.


Test connection to the secondary Cluster Controller failed.

Cause.  The specified secondary Cluster Controller may not be running properly.

Response.  Verify that the secondary Cluster Controller is running.


The Primary Cluster Controller has not been specified.

Cause.  Only the Secondary Cluster Controller has been specified.

Response.  Correct the configuration to specify a Primary Cluster Controller.


Please specify different Primary and Secondary Cluster Controllers.

Cause.  The specified Primary and Secondary Cluster Controllers are the same.

Response.  Correct the configuration to specify a Primary Cluster Controller that is different from the Secondary Cluster Controller.


Test connection to both Cluster Controllers succeeded. However, no Siebel Analytics Server node has been returned by either Cluster Controller.

Cause.  Some Siebel Analytics Server nodes may not be running or there may be network problems.

Response.  Check to make sure that all Siebel Analytics Server nodes are running and that the client can access the specified machines over the network.


The Cluster Controller encountered the following error while processing `@1%ls`.

Cause.  The request failed to complete. Subsequent messages provide additional information.

Response.  Examine the messages that normally follow this one. If retrying the operation does not resolve the problem, contact Siebel Systems technical support.


The Cluster Controller encountered an unknown exception while processing `@1%ls`.

Cause.  The client's request failed but the reason for the failure is not known.

Response.  Examine the operation that returned this message to verify that it is a valid operation. Examine the system error log on the Cluster Controller(s) to determine if any unexpected events occurred. If retrying the operation does not resolve the problem, contact Siebel Systems technical support.


Cluster ENABLE_CONTROLLER is disabled in the cluster configuration file.

Cause.  ENABLE_CONTROLLER entry in the cluster configuration file indicates that it is disabled.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required. To enable the Cluster Controller, set the value of the cluster ENABLE_CONTROLLER entry to "YES".


The Cluster Controller is terminating due to errors in the cluster configuration.

Cause.  The Cluster Controller detected fatal configuration errors. This message is usually accompanied by messages indicating the specific errors that were encountered.

Response.  Correct the configuration errors before restarting the Cluster Controller. If no errors can be found, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The Cluster Controller encountered an unknown error in @1%s.

Cause.  While processing a client request, the Cluster Controller encountered an unknown exception.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


This machine (@1%ls) is not specified as either the Primary or Secondary Cluster Controller.

Cause.  The Cluster Controller is terminating because the name of this machine is not specified in the cluster configuration as being either the Primary or Secondary Cluster Controller.

Response.  Either disable the Cluster Controller or correct the PRIMARY_CONTROLLER or SECONDARY_CONTROLLER entries in the cluster configuration file. The Cluster Controller can be disabled by setting the entry ENABLE_CONTROLLER = NO in the cluster configuration file, or by uninstalling the Cluster Controller feature.


The current state of the node is incompatible with the requested state change.

Cause.  The request to change the state of a Cluster Controller or Siebel Analytics Server node could not be honored because the current and requested states are incompatible. This condition can result from a change to the state of the server between the time the request was made and the time the request was actually processed.

Response.  Reexamine and refresh the current state of the affected controller or server. If desired, submit a request compatible with the current state.


The Cluster Controller processing the request is not enabled.

Cause.  A request was sent to a Cluster Controller but it could not be processed. The Controller is not in a state that allows it to honor the request. This is usually the result of sending a request to the server during startup.

Response.  Wait until the Cluster Controller startup is complete and resubmit the request.


The Cluster Controller is terminating.

Cause.  During startup, the Cluster Controller encountered conditions that prevented it from completing the startup process. The log messages that precede this message usually provide additional detail.

Response.  Examine preceding log message(s) and follow the recommended actions to correct the problem. If there are no preceding log messages, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Cluster Controller started. Version: @1%s

Cause.  The Cluster Controller started normally.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


The Cluster Controller is exiting.

Cause.  The Cluster Controller is exiting normally.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required. If the service termination is not expected, examine previous log messages to determine the cause.


Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls has transitioned to ONLINE state.

Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Server state has changed to online.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls has transitioned to OFFLINE state.

Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Server state has changed to offline.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls is active but is in an administrative state and was NOT transitioned to ONLINE.

Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Server has been explicitly set to a state that prevents it from being brought to ONLINE status. Although the Siebel Analytics Server successfully established communications with the Cluster Controller, the state of the Siebel Analytics Server will not be altered. The Siebel Analytics Server administrator may have forced the Siebel Analytics Server offline or requested that it be quiesced.

Response.  Use the Administration Tool to explicitly change the state of the node to online.


The configuration on Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls specifies the following Siebel Analytics Server(s) as being part of the configuration but the configuration on this Cluster Controller does not include them: @2%ls.

Cause.  The cluster configuration files (NQClusterConfig.ini) on this Cluster Controller and the specified Siebel Analytics Server do not match. However, both the Cluster Controller and the named Siebel Analytics Server will continue to operate as part of the cluster.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required. Normally, all the Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers should have the same configuration specified. If the reported differences are not intentional, make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.ini files and restart the servers which reference the changed files.


The configuration on Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls does not specify the following Siebel Analytics Server(s) as being part of the configuration but the configuration on this Cluster Controller does include them: @2%ls.

Cause.  The cluster configuration files (NQClusterConfig.ini) on this Cluster Controller and the specified Siebel Analytics Server do not match. However, both the Cluster Controller and the named Siebel Analytics Server will continue to operate as part of the cluster.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required. Normally, all the Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers should have the same configuration specified. If the reported differences are not intentional, make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.ini files and restart the servers which reference the changed files.


The configuration on Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls specifies that the Primary Cluster Controller is @2%ls but this Cluster Controller's configuration specifies the Primary Cluster Controller as @3%ls.

Cause.  The cluster configuration file on the named Siebel Analytics Server specifies a Primary Cluster Controller that is different from the Primary Cluster Controller specified in the cluster configuration file of the named Cluster Controller. However, both the named Cluster Controller and the named Siebel Analytics Server will continue to operate as part of the cluster.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required. Normally, all the Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers should have the same configuration specified. If the reported differences are not intentional, make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.ini files and restart the servers which reference the changed files.


The configuration on Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls specifies that the Secondary Cluster Controller is @2%ls but this Cluster Controller's configuration specifies the Secondary Cluster Controller as @3%ls.

Cause.  The cluster configuration file on the named Siebel Analytics Server specifies a Secondary Cluster Controller that is different from the Secondary Cluster Controller specified in the cluster configuration file of the named Cluster Controller. However, both the named Cluster Controller and the named Siebel Analytics Server will continue to operate as part of the cluster.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required. Normally, all the Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers should have the same configuration specified. If the reported differences are not intentional, make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.ini files and restart the servers which reference the changed files.


An internal error has occurred - a message with class=@1%0d and kind=@2%0d was expected but the message received had class=@3%0d and kind=@4%0d.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The version of the Siebel Analytics Server or Cluster Controller at @1%ls and this Server have incompatible message protocol versions. The remote minimum/maximum version is @2%d/@3%d while the local minimum/maximum version is @4%d/@5%d.

Cause.  The specified servers have incompatible message protocol versions. This is usually the result of installing incompatible versions of Siebel Analytics software on different servers in a cluster.

Response.  Stop the server(s) running obsolete Siebel Analytics software and install compatible software versions. Restart the servers and retry your actions. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The connection with Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls was lost.

Cause.  A connection had been established with the specified Siebel Analytics Server but the connection was later dropped. A variety of conditions, such as network connectivity problems or server problems, can cause this situation.

Response.  Verify that the specified Siebel Analytics Server should be online. Check its state and repair or restart, if necessary. Verify the network connectivity to the specified Siebel Analytics Server. If problems persist, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


A connection with Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls was established.

Cause.  A connection has been established with the specified Siebel Analytics Server. This is a normal message that is usually the result of either the Siebel Analytics Server or Cluster Controller restarting. This can also be the result of repairing a network connectivity problem that was previously preventing communication.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


An attempt to establish a connection with Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls failed.

Cause.  The Cluster Controller was unable to establish a connection with the specified Siebel Analytics Server. The specified server may be unavailable or there may be network connectivity problems. Although this message will not be repeated regularly, attempts to establish the connection will be made periodically. If a subsequent attempt to establish a connection succeeds, messages will be issued which reflect the establishment of a connection.

Response.  Verify that the specified Siebel Analytics Server is running, and that it has appropriate network connectivity. Review and resolve any other network problems. If connectivity cannot be established, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls reports that its cluster configuration is incompatible with the Cluster Controller's configuration.

Cause.  Siebel Analytics Server is sufficiently different from the cluster configuration file on the Cluster Controller that the Siebel Analytics Server cannot participate in the operational cluster.

Response.  Make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.ini files and restart the servers which reference the changed files.


An unknown exception was encountered in the Cluster Controller while monitoring Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


An error was encountered in the Cluster Controller while monitoring Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls.

Cause.  Subsequent messages provide causal information.

Response.  Examine subsequent log message(s) and follow the recommended actions to correct the problem. If there are no subsequent log messages, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Cluster Controller exiting.

Cause.  The Cluster Controller is exiting. A shutdown may have been requested, or an error may have occurred.

Response.  If the shutdown is unexpected, or if the Cluster Controller fails to successfully restart, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Cluster Controller @1%ls has transitioned to ONLINE state.

Cause.  The Cluster Controller state has changed to online.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


Cluster Controller @1%ls has transitioned to OFFLINE state.

Cause.  The Cluster Controller state has changed to offline.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


The connection with Cluster Controller @1%ls was lost.

Cause.  A connection had been established with the specified Cluster Controller but the connection was later dropped. This may be caused by many conditions, such as network connectivity or power problems.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required. If the specified Cluster Controller should be online, examine its state and repair or restart, if necessary. Verify network connectivity to the specified Cluster Controller. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


A connection with Cluster Controller @1%ls was established.

Cause.  A connection has been established with the specified Cluster Controller. This can be caused by restarting the reporting Cluster Controller or the specified Cluster Controller. This can also result from the repair of a network connectivity problem that was previously preventing communication.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


An attempt to establish a connection with Cluster Controller @1%ls failed.

Cause.  The reporting Cluster Controller was unable to establish a connection with the specified Cluster Controller. The specified server is unavailable, or the network may be experiencing connectivity problems. Although this message will not be repeated regularly, attempts to establish the connection will be made periodically. If a subsequent attempt to establish a connection succeeds, messages will be issued which reflect the establishment of a connection.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required. Verify that the specified server is started, and that there is appropriate network connectivity. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The configuration on Cluster Controller @1%ls specifies the following Siebel Analytics Server(s) as being part of the configuration but the configuration on this Cluster Controller does not include them: @2%ls

Cause.  The cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.ini) on this Cluster Controller and the cluster configuration file on the specified Cluster Controller do not match. However, both Cluster Controllers will continue to operate as part of the cluster.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required. Normally, all the Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controller should have the same configuration specified. If the reported differences are not intentional, make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.ini files and restart the servers which reference the changed files.


The configuration on Cluster Controller @1%ls does not specify the following Siebel Analytics Server(s) as being part of the configuration but the configuration on this Cluster Controller does include them: @2%ls

Cause.  The cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.ini) on this Cluster Controller and the cluster configuration file on the named Cluster Controller do not match. However, both Cluster Controllers will continue to operate as part of the cluster.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required. Normally, all the Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers should have the same configuration specified. If the reported differences are not intentional, make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.ini files and restart the servers which reference the changed files.


Cluster Controller @1%ls reports that its cluster configuration is incompatible with this Cluster Controller's configuration.

Cause.  The specified Cluster Controller cannot participate in the operational cluster with the reporting controller because of significant differences in the controller's cluster configuration files (NQClusterConfig.ini).

Response.  Synchronize the cluster configuration files and restart the controllers.


An unknown exception was encountered in the Cluster Controller while monitoring Cluster Controller @1%ls.

Cause.  An unknown exception was encountered. An internal Siebel Analytics error may have occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The configuration on Cluster Controller @1%ls specifies that the Primary Cluster Controller is @2%ls but this Cluster Controller's configuration specifies the Primary Cluster Controller as @3%ls.

Cause.  The cluster configuration files (NQClusterConfig.ini) for the named Cluster Controllers specify different Primary Cluster Controllers. Each Cluster Controller must have the same Primary Cluster Controller specified in their NQClusterConfig.ini file.

Response.  Make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.ini files and restart the controllers which reference the changed files.


The configuration on Cluster Controller @1%ls specifies that the Secondary Cluster Controller is @2%ls but this Cluster Controller`s configuration specifies the Secondary Cluster Controller as @3%ls.

Cause.  The cluster configuration files (NQClusterConfig.ini) for the named Cluster Controllers specify different Secondary Cluster Controllers. Each Cluster Controller must have the same Secondary Cluster Controller specified in their NQClusterConfig.ini file.

Response.  Make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.ini files and restart the servers which reference the changed files.


An error was encountered in the Cluster Controller while monitoring Cluster Controller @1%ls.

Cause.  The log messages that follow this message usually provide additional detail.

Response.  Examine subsequent log message(s) and follow the recommended actions to correct the problem. If there are no subsequent log messages, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


An unknown exception caused the Cluster Controller thread accepting connections from other Cluster Controllers to fail.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The following unexpected errors caused the Cluster Controller thread accepting connections from other Cluster Controllers to fail.

Cause.  The log messages that follow this message usually provide additional detail.

Response.  Examine subsequent log message(s) and follow the recommended actions to correct the problem. If there are no subsequent log messages, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The connection with Cluster Controller at @1%ls was lost.

Cause.  A connection had been established with the named Cluster Controller but the connection was later dropped. This can be caused by a variety of conditions, such as network connectivity or power problems.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required. If the specified Cluster Controller should be online, verify that there is network connectivity between the reporting and the specified Cluster Controllers. Examine the state of the named Cluster Controller. Repair or, if necessary, restart the controller.


The monitoring of the Cluster Controller at @1%ls failed for the following reasons.

Cause.  The thread that was allocated to monitoring the specified Cluster Controller failed and the communication was terminated. The log messages that follow this message usually provide additional detail.

Response.  Examine subsequent log message(s) and follow the recommended actions to correct the problem. If there are no subsequent log messages, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


An unknown exception was encountered while monitoring Cluster Controller at @1%ls.

Cause.  An internal Siebel Analytics error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Cluster Controller startup error. Unable to establish listener on port specified in CONTROLLER_PORT field in cluster configuration file.

Cause.  The log messages that follow this message usually provide additional detail.

Response.  Examine subsequent log message(s) and follow the recommended actions to correct the problem. If there are no subsequent log messages, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls transitioned to OFFLINE in response to an administrative request.

Cause.  An administrative action caused the state of the specified Siebel Analytics Server to change to OFFLINE. This can be caused by an earlier action that took place while the reporting Cluster Controller was offline. An administrative request to transition the Siebel Analytics Server to online actually results in the specified node being transitioned internally to the OFFLINE state until the Siebel Analytics Server is actually available.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls transitioned to FORCED OFFLINE in response to an administrative request.

Cause.  An administrative action caused the state of the specified Siebel Analytics Server to change to FORCED OFFLINE. This can be caused by an earlier action that took place while the reporting Cluster Controller was offline.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls transitioned to QUIESCE in response to an administrative request.

Cause.  An administrative action caused the state of the specified Siebel Analytics Server to change to QUIESCE. This can be caused by an earlier action that took place while the reporting Cluster Controller was offline.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


This Cluster Controller is promoted to Controlling because there has been no recent contact from the Primary Cluster Controller.

Cause.  The reporting Cluster Controller does not have an active connection with the Primary Cluster Controller and the Primary Cluster Controller has not attempted to establish contact recently.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


The clocks on the Primary and Secondary Cluster Controllers appear to differ by about @1%ld seconds.

Cause.  There is a significant difference between the UCT times for the Primary and Secondary Cluster Controllers. The reported time difference is only an estimate and may be affected by the workload on the servers or the network. Because the Cluster Controllers attempt to compensate for time differences in situations where it would have an operational effect, the reported time difference may make interpretation of system logs and status reports more difficult. It is recommended that all nodes in a cluster be synchronized to a common time standard.

Response.  Synchronize the clocks on all nodes in the cluster and verify that they are all in the same time zone. It is recommended that automatic clock synchronization software be installed or enabled.


The configuration on Cluster Controller @1%ls specifies that the Master Siebel Analytics Server is @2%ls but this Cluster Controller's configuration specifies the Master Siebel Analytics Server as @3%ls.

Cause.  The named Cluster Controller and the reporting Cluster Controller have different Master Siebel Analytics Servers (MASTER_SERVER) specified in their respective cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.ini). Each Cluster Controller must have the same MASTER_SERVER specified in their NQClusterConfig.ini file.

Response.  Make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.ini files and restart the servers which reference the changed files.


The configuration on Cluster Controller @1%ls specifies that the Master Siebel Analytics Server is @2%ls but this Cluster Controller's configuration specifies the Master Siebel Analytics Server as @3%ls.

Cause.  The named Siebel Analytics Server and the reporting Cluster Controller have different Master Siebel Analytics Servers (MASTER_SERVER) specified in their respective cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.ini). Each Cluster Controller must have the same MASTER_SERVER specified in their NQClusterConfig.ini file.

Response.  Make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.ini files and restart the servers which reference the changed files.


Contact with the Primary Cluster Controller appears to be lost.

Cause.  The Secondary Cluster Controller has not received a heartbeat message from the Primary Cluster Controller within the allotted time. In response to this condition, the Secondary Cluster Controller terminates the connection with the Primary Cluster Controller which may eventually result in the Secondary Cluster Controller being promoted to the controlling role. This can occur if network connectivity between the Primary and Secondary Cluster Controllers is interrupted for an extended period or if the Primary Cluster Controller fails.

Response.  Take the appropriate action to reestablish network connectivity or recover the Primary Cluster Controller.


Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls transitioned to ONLINE in response to an administrative request.

Cause.  An administrative action caused the state of the specified Siebel Analytics Server to change to ONLINE. This can be caused by an earlier action that took place while the reporting Cluster Controller was offline.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


The Cluster Controller is terminating due to licensing errors.

Cause.  The Cluster Controller is not properly licensed. This may be the result of an attempt to use capabilities that have not been licensed or the result of a configuration problem. This message is usually accompanied by messages indicating the specific errors that were encountered.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The value specified in the license file for the property @1%ls within the component @2%ls is invalid.

Cause.  The referenced value is either out of range or is not of the proper format. This is probably the result of an outdated or corrupt license file.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


There are @1%d Siebel Analytics servers configured in the cluster but only @2%d Siebel Analytics servers are licensed in this cluster.

Cause.  The number of configured Siebel Analytics servers in a cluster must not exceed the maximum number licensed. This may be caused by not properly installing an updated license file.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The cluster configuration file (@1%s) was not found or is inaccessible.

Cause.  The named file either does not exist or is not accessible. This problem may be the result of incompatible permissions or remote file access problems on either the named file or on directories in its path. Installation configuration problems can also cause this error.

Response.  The named file should be within the configuration subdirectory of the Siebel Analytics home directory. If the file path is correct but the file does not exist, restore the file from backup. If the file does exist, check and correct the permissions on the file and its parent directories. If the Siebel Analytics Server is not starting due to this error and the server should not be started, modify the NQConfig.ini file to specify that the server should not participate in a cluster. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


No Primary Cluster Controller is specified in the cluster configuration file.

Cause.  Cause: Clusters must have a Primary Cluster Controller specified, but the configuration file (NQClusterConfig.ini) does not specify one.

Response.  Specify a Primary Cluster Controller in the cluster configuration file.


No Siebel Analytics Servers are specified in the cluster configuration file.

Cause.  Clusters must have at least one Siebel Analytics Server specified, but the cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.ini) does not specify one.

Response.  Specify one or more Siebel Analytics Servers in the cluster configuration file.


More than @1%d Siebel Analytics Servers specified in the cluster configuration file.

Cause.  The cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.ini) specifies more than the allowable number of Siebel Analytics Servers.

Response.  Reduce the number of Siebel Analytics Servers specified in the cluster configuration file.


No Cluster Controller port is specified in the cluster configuration file.

Cause.  The Cluster Controllers communicate with other components within the cluster via a TCP/UDP port, but the configuration file fails to specify which port number should be used for this purpose.

Response.  Locate an unused TCP/UDP port and update the cluster configuration file to specify this port for use by the Cluster Controllers.


No Siebel Analytics Server port is specified in the cluster configuration file.

Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Servers communicate with other components within the cluster via a TCP/UDP port, but the configuration file fails to specify which port number should be used for this purpose.

Response.  Locate an unused TCP/UDP port and update the cluster configuration file to specify this port for use by the Siebel Analytics Servers.


The names of the Primary and Secondary Cluster Controllers in the cluster configuration file are the same.

Cause.  The Primary and Secondary Cluster Controllers must be on different nodes, but the configuration file specifies the same name for both controllers.

Response.  Correct the specification of the Primary or Secondary Cluster Controllers in the cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.ini). If the intent was to have only one Cluster Controller in the cluster, delete the configuration entry for the Secondary Cluster Controller.


The list of Siebel Analytics Server names in the cluster configuration file contains duplicates.

Cause.  Each Siebel Analytics Server in a cluster must be unique.

Response.  Correct the NQClusterConfig.ini file. Delete the duplicate name(s) and enter the correct names.


The list of Siebel Analytics Server names in the cluster configuration file contains one or more blank or zero length entries.

Cause.  Siebel Analytics Server node names cannot be all blanks, or zero length.

Response.  Correct the NQClusterConfig.ini file. Enter the correct node names and delete any blank or zero length name entries.


The required version of WinSock is not available (Required version: @1%d.@2%d, Available version: @3%d.@4%d).

Cause.  The version of WS2_32.DLL may be obsolete.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Initialization of WinSock failed with error @1%d (@2%ls).

Cause.  The WinSock2 initialization routine WSAStartup failed.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


A WinSock call returned an error during connection to @1%ls (@2%ls): (@3%d) @4%ls

Cause.  An unexpected WinSock communications error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


A WinSock call returned error (@1%d) @2%ls

Cause.  An unexpected WinSock communication error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The WinSock call @1%s returned error: (@2%d) `@3%ls`

Cause.  The specified WinSock function returned an unexpected error.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The Primary Cluster Controller name is blank or zero length.

Cause.  Cluster Controller names cannot be all blanks, or zero length.

Response.  Correct the NQClusterConfig.ini file. Enter the correct Primary Cluster Controller name.


The Secondary Cluster Controller name is blank or zero length.

Cause.  Cluster Controller names cannot be all blanks, or zero length.

Response.  Correct the NQClusterConfig.ini file. Enter the correct Secondary Cluster Controller name.


A Master Siebel Analytics Server was not specified.

Cause.  The NQClusterConfig.ini does not contain a MASTER_SERVER entry. A Master Siebel Analytics Server must be specified via the MASTER_SERVER entry.

Response.  Make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.ini file.


The Master Siebel Analytics Server name is blank or zero length.

Cause.  Siebel Analytics Server names cannot be all blanks, or zero length.

Response.  Correct the NQClusterConfig.ini file. Enter the correct Master Siebel Analytics Server (MASTER_SERVER) name.


The Master Siebel Analytics Server is not specified in the list of Siebel Analytics Servers.

Cause.  The Master Siebel Analytics Server specified via the MASTER_SERVER entry in the cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.ini) was not found in the list of Siebel Analytics Servers specified via the SERVERS entry.

Response.  Correct the specification of either the SERVERS entry or the MASTER_SERVER entry in the NQClusterConfig.ini file.


The port specified for the Cluster Controller is out of the valid range of @1%d to @2%d.

Cause.  The NQClusterConfig.ini file specified a value for the CONTROLLER_PORT parameter that is outside the allowable range of port numbers.

Response.  Specify a port within the allowable range (and not in use by any other application on any machine in the cluster) in the NQClusterConfig.ini files and restart the affected Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers.


The port specified for the Siebel Analytics Server is out of the valid range of @1%d to @2%d.

Cause.  The NQClusterConfig.ini file specified a value for the SERVER_PORT parameter that is outside the allowable range of port numbers.

Response.  Specify a port within the allowable range (and not in use by any other application on any machine in the cluster) in the NQClusterConfig.ini files and restart the affected Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers.


The value specified for the Siebel Analytics Server polling frequency is less than 1.

Cause.  The NQClusterConfig.ini file specified a value for the SERVER_POLL_SECONDS parameter that is less than 1.

Response.  Specify a value of 1 or greater for the SERVER_POLL_SECONDS parameter in the NQClusterConfig.ini files and restart the affected Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers.


The value specified for the Cluster Controller polling frequency is less than 1.

Cause.  The NQClusterConfig.ini file specified a value for the CONTROLLER_POLL_SECONDS parameter that is less than 1.

Response.  Specify a value of 1 or greater for the CONTROLLER_POLL_SECONDS parameter in the NQClusterConfig.ini files and restart the affected Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers.


The same value was specified as both the Controller port and the Server port.

Cause.  The NQClusterConfig.ini file specified the same value for CONTROLLER_PORT as for SERVER_PORT. These ports must be different.

Response.  Select new port(s) following guidelines in Siebel Analytics documentation, and change the value of CONTROLLER_PORT or SERVER_PORT in the NQClusterConfig.ini files. After making the changes, restart the affected Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers.

 Siebel Analytics Message Reference 
 Published: 18 April 2003