Siebel Analytics User Guide > Working with Siebel Analytics Views > Working with Siebel Analytics Chart Views >

Changing Siebel Analytics Chart Properties

The following procedures describe how to change various chart properties, such as the size and the number of columns.

To refresh the chart preview

To remove changes and start from the original chart

  1. Click Clear in the chart preview.
  2. Make new changes to the chart.
  3. Click Preview to see the results.

To change the size of a chart

  1. Navigate to Siebel Answers, and display a request associated with the chart you want to modify.
  2. In the right pane, click the Views tab.
  3. In the View section, click the Properties link of the chart to be modified.
  4. In the Width section, click to select a different size.
  5. NOTE:  Adjusting the size of a chart also affects how the axis labels appear.

    The chart preview updates whenever you make a change to the chart size.

  6. In the Auto area, do the following:
    1. To scale all elements of the existing chart, including height, with the width selection, select the Height check box.
    2. The chart's height and width remain proportional to each other when the size of the chart changes.

    3. To allow the chart to automatically expand to fit the elements, select the Expand check box.
    4. For example, suppose you create a request to display the sales of three products, create a chart of the results with the product sales displayed as three columns, and size the chart to occupy about 25 percent of the screen. If the report is run later and six products are returned, the chart is expanded to twice its original width, or about 50 percent of the screen, so that the widths of the individual columns displayed in the chart remain constant.

      NOTE:  The chart can expand significantly if the number of items being charted grows substantially.

    5. To allow the chart to automatically resize chart elements based on the space available within the chart, do not select the Expand check box.
    6. The chart elements will be resized as needed to fit into the chart. Using the example given above, the chart would continue to occupy about 25 percent of the screen, and the columns are resized to fit in the available space.

  7. Click the Redraw button.
  8. The updated chart appears.

  9. When you are done, click Finished.

To add columns to a chart

  1. Navigate to Siebel Answers, and display a request associated with the chart you want to modify.
  2. In the right pane, click the Views tab.
  3. In the View section, click the Properties link of the chart to be modified.
  4. In the Columns section, decide which column you want to add to the chart.
  5. Select the check box beneath the appropriate axis to display that column on the corresponding axis in the chart.
  6. NOTE:  The axis you select determines on which axis the selected column will display.

  7. Click the Redraw button.
  8. The updated chart appears.

  9. Click Finished.
  10. After modifying a chart, you can save it in the Web Catalog.

To change a chart type

  1. Navigate to Siebel Answers, and display the chart you want to modify.
  2. In the Chart Type section, select the type of chart you want to create.
  3. NOTE:  Table 19 describes the charts available in Siebel Analytics.

    An updated chart preview appears.

  4. In the Columns section, select the check box beneath the appropriate axis to display a selected column as the corresponding axis in the chart.
  5. Click the Redraw button.
  6. The updated chart appears.

  7. When you are done, click Finished.

To customize a chart

  1. Navigate to Siebel Answers, and display a request associated with the chart you want to modify.
  2. In the right pane, click the Views tab.
  3. In the View section, click the Properties link of the chart to be modified.
  4. Modify the chart properties as needed by doing the following:
    1. To show or hide labels for 2D chart elements, such as pie slices, bars and other chart elements (including bubbles, scatter points, stacked and absolute area), select the Data Labels check box.
    2. Data labels are enabled by default for selected 2D chart types. Data labels have no effect on charts like 3D Bar and Column.

    3. To show or hide axis titles (corresponding column names), click the Axis icon next to Axes Titles.
    4. The default selection varies based on the type of chart and chart option selected.

    5. To change the location of the chart legend, click the Legend icon next to Legend.
    6. The chart legend can appear at the top, bottom, left, or right side of the chart. The default legend location varies, based on the type of chart selected.

    7. To change the default type of interaction for the chart, click one of the icons next to Interaction, as follows:
      • Drill. Allows drilldown functionality for the chart.
      • None. Disables drilling or navigation from the chart.
      • Navigate. Allows you to navigate to another saved search, dashboard, or Web site. Specify the full path information in the Navigation Path box, for example:

    /shared/topax/performance/transaction details

  5. Click the Redraw button.
  6. The updated chart appears.

  7. When you are done, click Finished.
  8. After modifying a chart, you can save it in the Web Catalog.

 Siebel Analytics User Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003