Siebel Analytics User Guide > Working with Siebel Analytics Views >

About Siebel Analytics Views

Views use the presentation capabilities of Siebel Analytics Web to help you look at data in meaningful, intuitive ways. Preparing multiple views of request results can help you pinpoint trends and relationships in data.

After creating a new request or executing a saved request, the results can be customized from the Results tab, or enhanced to include new views of the results data using the Views tab.

By default, Siebel Analytics displays results in a table with a title. It does this by including a Table view, which displays the results in a basic table, and a Title view, which displays the name of the saved request.

You can add additional views to your results, delete the current views and substitute different views, combine and position views anywhere on the page, and include any number of view types in the results. For example, you can create results that include side by side pivot tables that reflect different views of the data, charts that allow drilling down for more detailed information, and a list of filters that can be used to limit the results.

NOTE:  Your permissions control whether you can access all views, or specific views only.

You can preview the results as you work with various views, and then save the request with the collection of views when you are finished. When the results are viewed in a dashboard, the view elements are presented as a coherent whole. If the request is embedded in a dashboard, the dashboard page can also include elements such as links to additional requests of interest, related graphics, or news stories.

 Siebel Analytics User Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003