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Siebel Service Analytics Dashboards

Siebel Service Analytics contains dashboards that provide information to all levels of the service organization, and dashboards that focus on services.

Service Executive Analytics

This dashboard provides services executive with information about the composition, quality, and expected timing of current service business. It also provides information about how the business may do in the future.

Service executives can see information about accounts that have critical service issues. For these accounts, service executives can see how the organization is handling resolutions, contract renewals, and profitability. Information about service trends shows how the service organization is resolving issues by channel, region, product line, and severity. Service executives can also view information about financial performance, including the revenue pipeline.

Service Manager Analytics

This dashboard shows information about the effectiveness and daily operations of the service organization. It provides information about specific performance areas, and helps the Service Manager identify issues before they begin to have a negative impact on customer satisfaction.

Service managers can view information about employee activities, such as service workload and revenue per employee. They can also see information about overdue activities, unusual problem area that may require special attention, contact center and service operation effectiveness, and the number of activities required to resolve a service issue.

Service managers can examine key performance indicators, such as cost per service call, to obtain an overall indication of the service organization's performance.

Service Employee Analytics

The Service Employee dashboard is for employees who are responsible for service delivery operations. This dashboard contains pages for call center agents, field repair technicians, and technical support representatives. These employees can view information about areas that directly affect their jobs, such as overdue activities.

Service representatives can view information that can help them resolve service issues, such as customer order and service history. They can also see a list of experts within the service organization.

Call center agents can track their daily performance in the service delivery process by viewing the average handling time for communication channels and other key performance metrics.

Service Request Analytics

This dashboard is for service managers. It shows information about service requests, across all channels. Service managers can see service request trends by source and severity; the top ten services accounts and products; and product lines with the largest number of open, critical service requests. This dashboard also shows information about service request resolutions.

Activities Analytics

This dashboard is for service managers who need information about specific activities in their organizations. Service managers can view activities by organization, volume, and associated service costs. Information about field service activities is displayed by category and by the region in which the activities were performed. This information includes travel time spent and costs incurred. This information can help the service manager identify poorly performing regions.

Information about email use is available for service organizations through Siebel Email Response. This information is for service managers who oversee the email channel within the support organization. The dashboard shows information, such as email volumes by type, status, and account. Organizations using Siebel Smart Answer can use this output to analyze email by response category.

Orders Analytics

This dashboard is for service executives and managers who need order tracking information throughout the order management process. It provides information about the order tracking, fulfillment, and management process within a service organization.

Summary information is available for order volumes, revenue, and status. Information about order fulfillment effectiveness includes the tracking of parts and orders. Information about shipment trends over time helps the service manager to isolate products with problems, based on returned units, and to plan for future product demand.

Assets Analytics

This dashboard is for service managers and executives who need to track assets. Information is available for serviced assets and warranty expirations. Information is also available for asset distribution by account, product line, organization, employee location, and inventory location.

Trend information includes the number of assets shipped, installed, and registered over time. Service managers and executives can analyze this data by product line or by account to identify product acceptance trends.

Agreements Analytics

This dashboard is for service managers and executives who need information about service contract profitability. This information can be used to help determine the revenue impact of service programs and their acceptance among customers. Information is available for service agreement revenues and profitability, such as agreement up for renewal, agreement revenue, and profitability over time.

Service history information can help identify the amount of money spent or saved by a customer as a result of buying or opting out of an extended service contract. It can also be used to help identify products and activities that reduce the service organization's profitability.

Trend information includes historical revenue, profitability, and service agreement renewal trends. Service executives and managers can use this information to compare performance over time.

Universal Queuing Analytics

This dashboard is available to organizations using Siebel Universal Queuing. It is for the contact center manager who needs to track the performance of a call center. The dashboard is for use in complying with service level agreements and providing customer satisfaction.

Information is available for target, actual, and historical service levels for each channel and route. It displays the number of work items handled for each channel, the longest wait time for a work item, and the number of abandoned work items for each channel and route.

Contact center managers can view current and historical performance data for each channel and route. They can use this data to compare performance over time. Call center managers can also use this information to make staffing changes in response to call volume or other factors.

Information is also available for tracking call center agent performance, such as the number of work items handled and the percentage of time spent by each agent on each channel of communication. Managers can use this information to analyze employee performance.

 Siebel Analytics User Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003